CliqueClack » Search Results » private practice Big voices. Little censors. Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Man Holiday a success! More movies with ethnically diverse casts ahead? Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:00:29 +0000 The Best Man HolidayWith the success of 'The Best Man Holiday,' will Hollywood see an increase in the number of films featuring ethnically diverse casts? In this fun editorial, writer Jaylen Christie ponders that particular thought.]]> The Best Man Holiday
With the success of ‘The Best Man Holiday,’ will Hollywood see an increase in the number of films featuring ethnically diverse casts? In this fun editorial, writer Jaylen Christie ponders that particular thought.

It has often been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Some people tend to debate this. However, if you ask me, I think it’s factual. This age old adage was proven true when just last weekend The Best Man Holiday, a sequel 13 years in the making, opened with a nice and dandy 30.1 million dollars. This may not come as a shocker to some people. After all, openings in the 30 million dollar range are pretty typical nowadays. However, how many films can you name with an all African-American cast that have opened with these numbers?

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk. I don’t know about you, but The Best Man Holiday was a must see event for me, and apparently, for other individuals as well – namely African-American movie goers. According to reports on Entertainment Weekly, on its first day in theaters, the film was successful in beating Thor: The Dark World which is rather impressive. Would you like to know something else impressive? Thor, being a justifiable blockbuster — which I enjoyed by the way — is playing in over 8,000 theaters. The Best Man Holiday came close to beating it … and is only playing in 2,024 theaters. What can I say? Black folks like a good movie!

Perchance these kinds of movies appeal to a wider audience.

It definitely didn’t hurt that the film makes use of the talents of Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan, Morris Chestnut and Nia Long — actors and actresses that may be household names in Black homes, but indifferent names in the homes of others. Sure, there’s Terrence Howard, but he may just be the only cast member to have achieved mainstream status. Now, before I go jumping to conclusions regarding the film’s audience, let me first say that I could very well be wrong. Perhaps it isn’t just African-Americans that are flocking to the cinemas. Perchance these kinds of movies appeal to a wider audience. There has definitely been an upsurge in the release of movies with casts of color. In addition to The Best Man Holiday, this year saw the release of PeeplesBaggage Claim, The Butler, 12 Years a Slave, 42, and Tyler Perry’s Temptation, and before the new year arrives, two additional movies with Black leads will be released – Black Nativity starring Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson, and Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas.

Forget the color orange. Clearly 2013 is the new black!

But is this a rarity? Try as I might, I simply cannot remember the last time there was an abundance of films with leads that look just like me. I’m not saying that I’m offended. I’m merely making an observation. When it comes to the team of fantastic writers here at CliqueClack, I’m probably one of the ones known for starting a damn debate. And that’s fine. Nevertheless, I’ll be good and keep my mouth shut for this editorial. However, I do feel that there should be more films depicting more people of color — Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, you name it.

I just think we need more movies with colorful casts.

In my opinion there have been positive strides on television. Lifetime’s wonderfully wicked Devious Maids featuring five talented Latina actresses — including the gorgeous and very talented Roselyn Sanchez — was appointment television for me, and Mindy Kaling is doing fantastic on her Fox sitcom. The same can be said about Dani Pudi on NBC’s Community, Kerry Washington on ABC’s Scandal, Sofia Vergara on ABC’s Modern Family and Reshma Shetty on USA’s Royal Pains.  I just think we need more movies with colorful casts — but I’ll certainly settle for quality over quantity. I mean, let’s keep it real – A Madea Christmas isn’t going to be Oscar worthy … or worth the price of admission either for that matter. However, if there’s one thing you can count on it’s that Black folks will support it.

Could this be because we’re under-served in cinemas? Some theorists in Hollywood have argued that point. I’ll leave that up for debate. However, the fact of the matter is we like movies and typically tend to support the ones that we’re in since they tend to be few and far between. I own over 500 Blu Rays and DVD. I’m frequently at my local AMC. For the season of Lent, my pastor challenged me to give up going to the movies. Needless to say, I failed … horrendously. What I’m trying to say is that we will pay money to see a movie. This was undoubtedly proven with The Best Man Holiday which not only received an “A+” from CinemaScore, but featured an audience that was 87 percent African-American during its opening weekend. Universal Pictures has taken notice.

Isn’t variety the spice of life?

It was recently announced that Universal has ordered a third installment of The Best Man series and the cast is expected to return. When that movie is released, I would like to see it accompanied by a slew of other motion pictures featuring casts from a variety of different ethnic groups. Isn’t variety the spice of life? In my opinion, it is and I would like to see more of it on the silver screen. Besides, The Best Man Holiday has now given more colorful audiences a foot in the door.

Perchance we can kick it down with the other foot.

Hey, you! Enjoy what you read? Follow the author, Jaylen Christie, on Twitter @thesuperflynerd

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Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
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Are summer TV shows more enjoyable than fall TV shows? Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:00:46 +0000 babyIt's the age old question - is summer television better than fall television? Writer Jaylen Christie thinks so! With programs such as 'Devious Maids,' 'Baby Daddy,' and 'The Soul Man,' this summer has been rather enjoyable!]]> baby
It’s the age old question – is summer television better than fall television? Writer Jaylen Christie thinks so! With programs such as ‘Devious Maids,’ ‘Baby Daddy,’ and ‘The Soul Man,’ this summer has been rather enjoyable!

It seems to be an accepted fact among my colleagues and friends that I’m not particularly fond of scorching temperatures – which is rather interesting considering that summer is one of my all-time favorite seasons. You see, I am a big fan of summer television. In fact, I honestly believe it’s the best form of broadcast programming. While there may be some individuals who don’t particularly share my sentiment, I stand by my unadulterated belief. Simply put, summer TV is damn awesome.

Don’t believe me? Take a gander at your local listings.

I’ve always found diversity to be the spice of life. To that end, I’ve become hooked on several dissimilar, yet remarkably entertaining, shows this summer. The USA Network has become known for offering television programs that are light and fluffy. I’m a big fan of Royal Pains which is one of the shows that I’ve been watching on the network. In fact, it’s become a part of my Wednesday night staple along with the hilarious Baby Daddy on ABC Family, and the always funny The Soul Man on TV Land. On Saturday mornings, my television is locked on Cartoon Network for Beware the Batman, and my Sunday evenings are spent watching Devious Maids on Lifetime.

You see? There really is something for everyone.

Perchance the same can be said about the regular television season – you know, the one that commonly starts in late September and ends in May. Last season, I had trouble finding a new show to watch during the fall and spring. I gave Arrow a shot but that fizzled like a can of Mountain Dew. I even tried Scandal, but it just didn’t do anything for me. While there was honestly a broad selection for me to choose from, I couldn’t find a program that I could enjoy. This certainly isn’t the case for the summer though.

One of the things that I find so amazingly appealing about summer shows is that they have a shorter concentrated season generally consisting of about 13 to 14 episodes as opposed to the standard 24. Television shows that have more episodes usually have to stretch plots out which can become dull, tedious and rather protracted. Does Lost ring a bell? However, by having a shorter season, I find that the pace is sharper and the story flows a bit smoother without having to add in unnecessary filler storylines.

This certainly seems to be working for Devious Maids which has been having one hell of a season on Lifetime. One of the show’s main storylines involves a murder mystery that has been playing out over the course of its 13 episode season. The writers have found a way to cleverly craft the story without having it drag. I think that’s worthy of note. However, sometimes a shorter season can leave one yearning for more.

Such is the case for TV Land’s The Soul Man which is wrapping up its 10 episode second season on August 28. The sitcom, starring Cedric the Entertainer and Niecy Nash, hasn’t earned a third season pick up just yet which is one of the reasons I wanted a longer second season. I’m bummed that it’s ending so soon, and it’s causing me to wonder just what I will replace it with. The fact of the matter is that summer TV lasts only during the, well, summer. Fall TV is on the horizon, and while I am looking forward to the premiere of Almost Human on FOX, I just feel that the fall isn’t the same.

There’s a certain quality to summer programming, an amusing charm. It’s kind of like cotton candy – not much to it, but fun to eat. Summer TV is entertaining. It’s a good way to kick back after a hard day and unwind with a few laughs. Perhaps that’s what I enjoy about it the most – the fact that it’s simple, concise and downright amusing.

Now, that’s what I call hot.

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Photo Credit: ABC Family
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What’s new for Corey Reynolds? Mon, 13 May 2013 13:00:32 +0000 What has Corey Reynolds been up to?Since TNT's The Closer ended last summer, Tony Award nominated actor Corey Reynolds has been pretty busy. So, what's he up to now? Writer Jaylen Christie has the answer with this exclusive interview!]]> What has Corey Reynolds been up to?
Since TNT’s The Closer ended last summer, Tony Award nominated actor Corey Reynolds has been pretty busy. So, what’s he up to now? Writer Jaylen Christie has the answer with this exclusive interview!

Summer television programs are a dime a dozen, but one quality drama will sadly be missing from the line-up this upcoming season – TNT’s The Closer. After it ended its stellar seven year run last summer, the show’s principal cast has been exceptionally busy including fan favorite Corey Reynolds, the cool Tony Award nominated actor who played Kyra Sedgwick’s right-hand man Detective David Gabriel. So, what has Reynolds been up to lately? You’d be surprised. I was blessed to be able to catch up with him to ask him about life after The Closer, the state of minorities in Hollywood and – drum roll please – what it feels like to be a new father.

Ah, Corey! So nice of you to speak with me.

Jaylen Christie! It is I, Corey Reynolds! How are you?

I’m good, dude. So, let’s get this thing started. You made a name for yourself as the actor that originated the role of Seaweed in Broadway’s Hairspray. How does it feel to be both a master of stage and screen?

You know, when you’re playing a scene on a stage in front of 25,000 people, you can tell when you have them in the palm of your hand.

I don’t know if I’d call myself a master. When I think of a master, I think of the old Chinese sensei that’s 90 years old and kicks every young guy’s ass. Before I moved to L.A. in 2003, every job that I’ve taken in my life, as far as performance goes, has involved singing and dancing. I miss live theatre. There’s nothing that is quite on par with the instant gratification that you get from a live audience. You know, when you’re playing a scene on a stage in front of 25,000 people, you can tell when you have them in the palm of your hand. Sometimes, when it comes to filming, if you say something funny in a scene, no one is really allowed to laugh, so it comes down to trusting the director, trusting your performance and trusting that the camera is capturing what you need because you don’t have an audience that gives you the instant response.

So, I’ve heard. Was it challenging making the transition from Broadway to Hollywood?

Yes, it was tough. I had a nice leg up though. [During] one of my final performances in Hairspray, I got a note from the stage manager that said someone wanted to meet me. I came backstage and it was Steven Spielberg. He was like, “Hey, I’m Steven.” And I swear, the very first thing I said to him was, “Motherf#%er, I know who you are.” He sat me down and he told me he felt I had that ‘it-thing’ and that when I finished doing Hairspray, he was going to find something for me. I wrapped the show on July 13, 2003, and July 14, Debra Zane called about a small role in The Terminal opposite Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones. I packed up everything I knew in New York and came out [to Los Angeles,] a city I never really knew before. It was a leap of faith.

Oh, I bet it was. But hey, you found work in one my favorite shows — The Closer! How was that experience?

A lot of people always tell me that they loved our relationship in the show, and a lot of that was really reflected in real life.

It was a good time, Jaylen. It was a great run. It was the first pilot that I had ever done. To have it picked up, and run for seven years was an amazing blessing and also an incredible opportunity for me to learn screen-work. There’s a subtlety to camera performance. When you’re on the stage, you have to play to the back of the room so everything you’re doing is exaggerated. Kyra [Sedgwick] was really great in mentoring me. A lot of people always tell me that they loved our relationship in the show, and a lot of that was really reflected in real life. I’ve been exchanging text messages with her.

Tell Kyra I said what’s up!

(Chuckles) I will. [The Closer] was a great opportunity to learn how production works. I had never had a character that evolved and changed, and had different opinions from where he started. Seaweed didn’t have that. It was a huge learning experience, and Kyra was great to work with. She always kept the energy up and made things fun. That’s why when I knew she was going to be finishing up, I figured I should finish up too.

Which brings me to my next question – is there any chance that we’ll be seeing you on Major Crimes, the spin-off of The Closer?

Um, I don’t know. I would be open to that. I think if the story was interesting and they wanted to bring some of us to do guest stuff, that would be cool. But I think they’re focused on building their own brand, and bringing some of the old characters back might make people miss The Closer.

Well, people do miss The Closer, Corey. Look, if I can be honest, I’m not trying to downplay Major Crimes, but I’m just sayin’ it ain’t the same. You don’t have to respond if you don’t want to.

(Laughs.) Different doesn’t always dictate better or worse. It just means different.

Photo Credit: TNT Network

(This post contains 2 pages. Please visit the website to continue reading. Thank you.)

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Fringe and 30 Rock come to an end on home video Sun, 05 May 2013 21:12:37 +0000 FringeS5CastHeaderNew TV on DVD and Blu-ray releases for May 7 include the series finales of 'Fringe,' '30 Rock' and 'Private Practice,' recent seasons of 'Flashpoint,' 'Rookie Blue,' 'Royal Pains,' 'Cake Boss,' 'Gold Rush,' the TV remake of 'Steel Magnolias,' and much more!]]> FringeS5CastHeader
New TV on DVD and Blu-ray releases for May 7 include the series finales of ‘Fringe,’ ’30 Rock’ and ‘Private Practice,’ recent seasons of ‘Flashpoint,’ ‘Rookie Blue,’ ‘Royal Pains,’ ‘Cake Boss,’ ‘Gold Rush,’ the TV remake of ‘Steel Magnolias,’ and much more!

With this week’s TV on DVD and Blu-ray home video releases, we bid one final farewell to Fringe30 Rock and Private Practice. The most recent seasons of Flashpoint, Royal Pains and Rookie Blue also make their home video debuts, and reality TV is represented with Cake Boss and Gold Rush. The recent TV movie remake of Steel Magnolias comes home this week, Doctor Who’s sidekick K-9 gets a full series release, another season of The Dick Van Dyke Show comes to Blu-ray, Warner Brothers celebrates the TV legacy of Superman to tie in with the new Man of Steel movie, and BBC celebrates the 75th anniversary of The Great Gatsby to tie in with the new movie. To see all of the home video releases coming on May 7, have a look at our shopper’s guide and click on a link to make a purchase or to get more information. Each purchase you make through a link also helps support our efforts here at CliqueClack, and we thank you for that support.

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00B5AP7PC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”126″]
Fringe: The Complete
Fifth Season

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00B5AAW9I” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”126″]
Fringe: The Complete

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BAXTY6W” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”112″]
The Fifth Season

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B009RX8GSE” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”115″]
Private Practice:
The Complete Sixth Season

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B009LDCVJU” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”114″]
30 Rock:
Season Seven

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BI6SUPC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”115″]
Rookie Blue:
The Complete Third Season

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BETQ5Q4″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”114″]
Royal Pains:
Season Four

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BNV9WCW” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”118″]
Steel Magnolias
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BCMSXOK” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”117″]
Strawberry Summer
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BQ47XKE” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”113″]
The Great Gatsby:
Midnight in Manhattan

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BJO5SPS” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”114″]
Somebody’s Child
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00A515SH4″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”115″]
Golden Winter
Digital Download
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BCMSZU2″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”117″]
Cake Boss
Season 4 Vol. 2

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BCMT2TU” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”117″]
Gold Rush:
Season 2

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BPMGFDI” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”127″]
WWII From Space
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BBAQD8G” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”128″]
Superman: Unbound
Blu-ray/DVD Combo
Digital Download
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BF4S1X8″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”113″]
Sesame Street:
Elmo the Musical

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BCMSZPC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”113″]
K-9: The Complete

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BI3XYEW” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”125″]
The Dick Van Dyke
Show: Season 2

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Doc Martin Special
Collection: Series 1-5

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B000O7860A” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”113″]
Doc Martin
Series 1

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00B8VIH0K” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”120″]
Best of Warner Bros –
Superman TV Collection

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BAXTYG2″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”112″]
Have Gun Will Travel:
The Sixth and Final
Season, Vol. 1

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BAXTY30″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”112″]
Have Gun Will Travel:
The Sixth and Final
Season, Vol. 2

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Gunsmoke: The Eighth
Season, Vol. 1

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BAXTYGW” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”112″]
Gunsmoke: The Eighth
Season, Vol. 2

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Felicity: Season 3
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BAXTY7G” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”105″]
James A. Michener’s

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SPACE 1999
Season 1

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BUDDOAO” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”113″]
SPACE 1999
Season 2

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BI3XZA0″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”122″]
The Twilight Zone:
The Complete First Season

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00BENWMDA” locale=”us” height=”143″ src=”” width=”160″]
Liberace: The
Ultimate Entertainer

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00AX5B0XI” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”101″]
Leave It To Beaver –
20 Timeless Episodes

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00AY587Q0″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”101″]
Route 66 – The Classic

Photo Credit: Warner Brothers
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Did ABC’s Scandal contribute to Private Practice’s cancellation? Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:00:14 +0000 Kerry Washington stars in ScandalIt seems everyone has gone "Scandal" crazy, but did Shonda Rhimes' new hit cost "Private Practice" its life? In this week's Clacking in Color, the hip column about ethnic diversity in Hollywood, writer Jaylen Christie wonders if Rhimes bit off more than she could chew.]]> Kerry Washington stars in Scandal
It seems everyone has gone “Scandal” crazy, but did Shonda Rhimes’ new hit cost “Private Practice” its life? In this week’s Clacking in Color, the hip column about ethnic diversity in Hollywood, writer Jaylen Christie wonders if Rhimes bit off more than she could chew.

Whew, the past two weeks have been rather busy for me, but rest assured, I’m back with a new installment of Clacking in Color in addition to some good news! During those two eventful weeks, I discovered a new television show, one to fill the void left by Desperate Housewives — ABC’s hit primetime drama Scandal! Now, I bet I know what you’re thinking: Really, Jaylen? That show is now in its second season! Well, pipe down. I know that. However, I had a little preconceived hostility before hopping on board.

You see, the reason why I never was so gung-ho about giving Scandal a try was because I kind of saw it as the reason why one of my favorite TV shows was canceled. It’s no secret that Shonda Rhimes is a powerhouse screenwriter and producer. As an African-American writer, I respect her drive. She’s a strong sistah’. However, it can be pretty tough work balancing three different TV shows — Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice and Scandal … at least that’s my opinion. Now, I may be wrong, but the way I saw it was that Scandal had a little something to do with Private Practice ending.

Alright, Scandal lovers, put your weapons down and go with me on this. I always felt as though Private Practice was the bald-headed stepchild of the three programs that Rhimes created, and I believe that the more that she invested into Scandal, the less attention she gave to Private Practice. If anyone remembers correctly, Private Practice, a sunny spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy, used to air right after Grey’s went off. Once Scandal arrived on the scene, the show was booted to Tuesdays to make way for the new program. That ain’t right, folks. It ain’t right at all.

While I’m happy to know that Scandal is gaining a loyal fan following — something that makes me smile knowing that Kerry Washington, a beautiful and talented African-American woman is the lead — it still doesn’t erase the fact that it could have been the reason why one of my favorite shows is no longer with us. Ladies and gentlemen, I loved Private Practice. As a matter of fact, the very first Clacking in Color was about Audra McDonald, one of the show’s actresses. Scandal is the culprit here … and that, my friends, is the reason why I refused to give it a try. However, now I’ve seen the light … and I’m starting to go a little blind.

I’m not going to sit here and say that Scandal is the best thing on television right now, but I am enjoying it … even if the characters talk too damn fast. My question is why in the world it took so long to get on the air. I recently wrote about how the current TV season boasts a few more racially diverse faces, but I do believe that Scandal is the only primetime drama to feature a Black woman as the lead. What gives?

If Facebook and Twitter is any indication, viewers can’t seem to get enough of the program. I can’t tell you how many times I see statuses and updates about the show which means that a lot of people are watching. Perhaps it also means that we’ll soon see more minorities featured as the leads in their own respective shows. One can only hope.

When the series finale of Private Practice aired last month, I was pretty upset. However, all good things come to an end, right? I’ll admit that I was kind of worried about finding a new TV show to follow, but it helps to know that Scandal is on the air. I’ll admit that it hasn’t hooked me like Desperate Housewives did, but I am willing to give it a try. Surprisingly, in an ironic twist of fate, it is kind of filling the void left by Private Practice. Hmph.

Hmph. Now ain’t that scandalous!

Do you enjoy reading Clacking in Color? Jaylen sure as hell hopes so. Keep up with his opinions and ponderings by following him on Twitter @thesuperflynerd!

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Photo Credit: ABC
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Where has Justina Machado been hiding? Tue, 29 Jan 2013 20:44:12 +0000 Justina Machado knows how to workHow hard is it to act in Hollywood? Hard apparently. In this week's Clacking in Color, the hip column celebrating ethnic diversity on television, writer Jaylen Christie spotlights Justina Machado, a chick that's really working hard for the money!]]> Justina Machado knows how to work
How hard is it to act in Hollywood? Hard apparently. In this week’s Clacking in Color, the hip column celebrating ethnic diversity on television, writer Jaylen Christie spotlights Justina Machado, a chick that’s really working hard for the money!

You know, one of the things that I enjoy about watching television is discovering hidden gems — actors and actresses that possess immense talent but, for some bizarre reason, aren’t the stars of their own programs. I think we’ve all seen these capable individuals pop up in sitcoms or dramas, and we wonder to ourselves who, what, when, and where the hell they came from. Well, this week’s Clacking in Color is about one of those enigmatic performers — Justina Machado.

Machado was given a two-episode story arc and managed to knock it out of the park like an athlete on steroids.
Who is this woman and why haven’t I heard of her until recently? Anyone that knows me knows that Desperate Housewives used to be my shi…um, show. Yes, it used to be my show. During its eighth and final season, Machado guest starred as the enraged wife of a creep that one of the housewives killed. Machado was given a two-episode story arc and managed to knock it out of the park like an athlete on steroids … or maybe Lance Armstrong on dope. During her story arc, I honestly remember stroking my chin and asking myself, “Who the hell is that chick?”

I shrugged it off thinking to myself that I’d never see her again, that Machado was just one of those many struggling artists trying to climb out of the deep dark abyss of non-recognition. However, I was pleasantly surprised and equally pleased to see her pop up in Private Practice as Dr. Sam Bennett’s new main squeeze — a pity he dumped her in the final episode of the series though. Nevertheless, she did leave a lasting impression.

The woman is talented, folks.
So, what is it about Justina Machado that does it for me? Well, she is pretty so there’s that. She is also of Hispanic descent which means she garners points for contributing to ethnic diversity on TV. However, despite these things, I’d say it all boils down to her aptitude. The woman is talented, folks. I’ll admit that I haven’t seen her in much else. Nevertheless, a quick trip to Wikipedia indicates that she’s been in quite a bit including — NYPD Blue, Ugly Betty and Six Feet Under.

Perchance that’s a testament to her talent. Heck, I’d like to think so.

I distinctly remember the scene of Machado nearly kicking down Teri Hatcher’s door in Desperate Housewives in order to find her missing husband and, I quote, ring his neck like a chicken. Hell, I thought the lady was serious. Also, did anyone see Machado tell off KaDee Strickland’s Charlotte in Private Practice? Now, how awesome was that?

I don’t know how it is to be an actor or actress in Hollywood. I’m not sure I want to know. I imagine it must be challenging. In fact, I don’t even think that’s the proper word. Maybe traumatic is. However, it’s nice to know that Machado is making a name for herself. She’s clearly getting steady work and in this economy, that’s a good thing. It’s moments like these where I wish I was a successful screenwriter and show runner a la Shonda Rhimes. If I were, I’d cast Machado as a lead character in a drama. I think that would be cool. Yet I digress.

Maybe there’s some good to flying under the radar. After all, the gossip columnists aren’t all over you and you can also avoid negative attention. Who wouldn’t want that? I always said that if I made it to Hollywood, I’d want to be an actor and not a celebrity. There is a definite difference. That’s what Machado is — an actress and not a celebrity.

And there ain’t a damn thing wrong with that.

Do you enjoy reading Clacking in Color? Jaylen sure as hell hopes so. Keep up with his opinions and ponderings by following him on Twitter @thesuperflynerd!

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Photo Credit: ABC
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2013 mid-season TV premiere & return schedule Thu, 27 Dec 2012 13:05:07 +0000 Following_Group_A01_PV_DJ6bHere's our fully-updated 2013 mid-season schedule for what's premiering and returning on TV, and when. We will update it regularly, along with the subscribable calendar. Check back often!]]> Following_Group_A01_PV_DJ6b
Here’s our fully-updated 2013 mid-season schedule for what’s premiering and returning on TV, and when. We will update it regularly, along with the subscribable calendar. Check back often!

To subscribe to the below schedule in iCal, copy this link and paste into the “Subscribe…” menu item in iCal. You can also just click it to open iCal or even click to add to your iPhone calendar. The same link will work in a Google Calendar as well! Or see the calendar as a web page (also embedded at the bottom of this post). The calendar will update as new shows are added/changed.

* All times are in EDT PM, unless otherwise mentioned.

* New series premieres are in Bold Italics



Tuesday, January 1

9:00 Dance Moms (Lifetime)

9:00 Dual Survival (Discovery)

9:00 Emily Owens, M.D. (CW)

10:00 Parenthood (NBC)

10:00 Storage Wars: New York (A&E)

10:30 Double Divas (Lifetime)

Wednesday, January 2

8:00 Whitney (NBC)

8:30 Guys With Kids (NBC)

9:00 Law & Order: SVU (NBC)

9:00 NOVA (PBS)

10:00 Chicago Fire (NBC)

10:00 American Horror Story (FX)

Thursday, January 3

8:00 The Big Bang Theory (CBS)

9:00 Person of Interest (CBS)

10:00 Buck Wild (MTV)

10:00 Elementary (CBS)

Friday, January 4

8:30 Need To Know (PBS)

9:00 CSI: NY (CBS)

10:00 Bering Sea Gold (Discovery)

10:00 Blue Bloods (CBS)

10:00 Merlin (Syfy)

10:00 Over/Under (USA)

Sunday, January 6

8:00 Mob Wives (VH1)

8:00 Once Upon a Time (ABC)

8:00 The Simpsons (FOX)

8:30 Bob’s Burgers (FOX)

9:00 The Biggest Loser (NBC)

9:00 Downton Abbey (PBS)

9:00 Family Guy (FOX)

9:00 The Good Wife (CBS)

9:00 Rachael Vs. Guy Celebrity Cook-Off (Food)

9:00 Revenge (ABC)

9:30 American Dad (FOX)

10:00 The Mentalist (CBS)

10:00 Happy Endings (ABC)

10:30 Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 (ABC)

11:00 Watch What Happens: Live (Bravo)

Monday. January 7

8:00 Antiques Roadshow (PBS)

8:00 The Bachelor (ABC)

8:00 Switched at Birth (ABC Family)

9:00 Bunheads (ABC Family)

10:00 Deception (NBC)

10:00 Vanderpump Rules (Bravo)

10:00 Castle (ABC)

Tuesday, January 8

8:00 Betty White’s Off Their Rockers (NBC)

8:00 NCIS (CBS)

8:00 Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family)

8:00 Raising Hope (FOX)

8:30 Ben & Kate (FOX)

9:00 Go On (NBC)

9:00 The Lying Game (ABC Family)

9:00 NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS)

9:00 New Girl (FOX)

9:30 The Mindy Project (FOX)

9:30 The New Normal (NBC)

10:00 Africa (Discovery)

10:00 America’s Supernanny (Lifetime)

10:00 Chopped (Food)

10:00 Cougar Town (TBS)

10:00 Frontline (PBS)

10:00 The Joe Schmo Show (Spike)

10:00 Justified (FX)

10:00 Million Dollar Decorators (Bravo)

10:00 Private Practice (ABC)

10:00 Snooki & JWoww (MTV)

10:00 Vegas (CBS)

10:30 The Burn With Jeff Ross (Comedy)

Wednesday, January 9

8:00 The Middle (ABC)

8:30 The Neighbors (ABC)

9:00 People’s Choice Awards (CBS)

9:00 Modern Family (ABC)

9:30 Suburgatory (ABC)

10:00 Barter Kings (A&E)

10:00 Nashville (ABC)

10:00 Washington Heights (MTV)

Thursday, January 10

8:00 30 Rock (NBC)

8:00 Critics’ Choice Movie Awards (CW)

8:00 Last Resort (ABC)

9:00 Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)

9:00 The Killer Speaks (A&E)

9:00 Millionaire Matchmaker (Bravo)

9:00 The Office (NBC)

10:00 Kathy (Bravo)

10:00 Property Wars (Discovery)

10:00 Scandal (ABC)

Friday, January 11

9:00 Fringe (FOX)

Saturday, January 12

10:00 Banshee (Cinemax)

Sunday, January 13

7:30 The Cleveland Show (FOX)

8:00 Golden Globe Awards (NBC)

9:00 Girls (HBO)

9:00 Shameless (Showtime)

9:30 Enlightened (HBO)

10:00 House of Lies (Showtime)

10:30 Californication (Showtime)

Monday, January 14

8:00 Bones (FOX)

8:00 The Carrie Diaries (CW)

8:00 Continuum (Syfy)

8:00 How I Met Your Mother (CBS)

9:00 2 Broke Girls (CBS)

9:00 Being Human (Syfy)

9:30 Mike & Molly (CBS)

10:00 Hawaii Five-0 (CBS)

10:00 Lost Girl (Syfy)

Tuesday, January 15

8:00 Hart of Dixie (CW)

8:00 Pioneers of Television (PBS)

9:00 Face Off (Syfy)

9:00 The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents (History)

10:00 Real Husbands of Hollywood (BET)

10:30 Second Generation Wayans (BET)

10:30 Total Blackout (Syfy)

Wednesday, January 16

8:00 American Idol (FOX)

8:00 Arrow (CW)

9:00 Criminal Minds (CBS)

9:00 Ghost Hunters (Syfy)

9:00 Supernatural (CW)

10:00 Bobby’s Dinner Battle (Food)

10:00 CSI (CBS)

10:00 Ghost Mine (Syfy)

10:00 Workaholics (Comedy)

10:30 Kroll Show (Comedy)

Thursday, January 17

8:00 The Vampire Diaries (CW)

8:30 Parks & Recreation (NBC)

9:00 Anger Management (FX)

10:00 Archer (FX)

10:00 Suits (USA)

10:30 Legit (FX)

11:00 Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell (FX)

12:00AM Newsreaders (Adult Swim)

Friday, January 18

8:00 Nikita (CW)

10:00 Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Saturday, January 19

9:00 Ripper Street (BBCA)

Monday, January 21

9:00 90210 (CW)

9:00 The Following (FOX)

Tuesday, January 22

8:00 The Taste (ABC)

8:00 The Ultimate Fighter (FX)

10:00 White Collar (USA)

10:00 Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan (BBCA)

Wednesday, January 23

10:00 Necessary Roughness (USA)

Thursday, January 24

9:00 Beauty and the Beast (CW)

9:00 Glee (FOX)

9:00 Project Runway (Lifetime)

Friday, January 25

9:00 Spartacus: War of the Damned (Starz)

Sunday, January 27

8:00 Screen Actors Guild Awards (TNT, TBS)

Monday, January 28

9:00 Dallas (TNT)

Tuesday, January 29

9:00 Top Gear (History)

10:00 Southie Rules (A&E)

10:00 Ultimate Soldier Challenge (History)

10:00 The Americans (FX)

11:00 Nikki & Sara Live (MTV)

Thursday, January 31

10:00 Chef Wanted with Anne Burrell (Food)

10:00 Do No Harm (NBC)


Friday, February 1

8:00 NAACP Image Awards (NBC)

8:00 Undercover Boss (CBS)

Sunday, February 3

6:30 Super Bowl XLVII (CBS)

Monday, February 4

8:30 Rules of Engagement (CBS)

10:00 Monday Mornings (TNT)

Tuesday, February 5

9:00 Smash (NBC)

10:00 Body of Proof (ABC)

10:00 Tosh.0 (Comedy)

Wednesday, February 6

9:00 The Spies of Warsaw (BBCA)

Thursday, February 7

8:00 Community (NBC)

11:30 Brand X with Russell Brand (FX)

Friday, February 8

8:00 The Job (CBS)

8:00 Touch (FOX)

10:30 The Jenny McCarthy Show (VH1)

Sunday, February 10

8:00 The Grammy Awards (CBS)

9:00 Bar Rescue (Spike)

9:00 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (Syfy)

9:00 The Walking Dead (AMC)

10:00 Car Lot Rescue (Spike)

11:00 Talking Dead (AMC)

Monday, February 11

11:00 Inside Comedy (Showtime)

Tuesday, February 12

8:00 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (USA)

Wednesday, February 13

8:00 Survivor (CBS)

10:00 Southland (TNT)

Thursday, February 14

8:00 Zero Hour (ABC)

9:00 Comic Book Men (ABC)

9:30 Freakshow (AMC)

10:00 Immortalized (AMC)

Sunday, February 17

8:00 The Amazing Race (CBS)

Tuesday, February 19

9:00 Cult (CW)

10:30 The Jeselnik Offensive (Comedy)

Sunday, February 24

8:30 The Academy Awards (ABC)

Tuesday, February 26

10:00 Golden Boy (CBS)

10:00 Robot Combat League (Syfy)

Wednesday, February 27

9:00 Boston’s Finest (TNT)

9:00 Haunted Collector (Syfy)

10:00 Psych (USA)

10:00 Stranded (Syfy)


Sunday, March 3

9:00 The Apprentice (NBC)

9:00 Red Widow (ABC)

10:00 Vikings (History)

Friday, March 8

8:00 Fashion Star (NBC)

9:00 Grimm (NBC)

Monday, March 18

8:00 Dancing with the Stars (ABC)

Tuesday, March 19

8:00 Celebrity Diving (ABC)

Monday, March 25

8:00 The Voice (NBC)

10:00 Revolution (NBC)

Saturday, March 30

9:00 Orphan Black (BBCA)

Sunday, March 31

8:00 Ready for Love (NBC)

9:00 Game of Thrones (HBO)

9:00 Mr. Selfridge (PBS)

Photo Credit: Michael Lavine/FOX
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