Neighbors might be the funniest flick you see all year

‘Neighbors’ is the kind of comedy that you expect from Seth Rogen, but co-stars Zac Efron, Rose Bryne and Dave Franco all shine as well.
Most people know that Seth Rogen got his start on Judd Apatow’s seminal television show Freaks and Geeks. Everyone thinks that they know that Zac Efron got his start in Disney’s High School Musical, but discerning geeks know that his real breakout role was as young Simon Tam in an episode of Firefly. How does that relate to Neighbors? Very little, other than allowing me an out to claim that I like Efron — including Charlie St. Cloud.
Neighbors’ stars Seth Rogen and Zac Efron make an interesting pair. Rogen has proven time and time again that he is a fearless comedian (though what is it with the male Freaks and Geeks alums who aren’t afraid to show a lot of skin). Efron’s taken on a variety of roles over the years, but this is his first Apatow-esque role (the under-appreciated That Awkward Moment was close, but not nearly as raunchy). The leads worked well together, and will probably clean up at the next MTV Movie Awards (they are the early favorite for best fight).
As great as Efron and Rogen were, it was Rose Byrne and Dave Franco that stole the movie for me. Bryne’s historically been a dramatic actress, but turns in Bridesmaids and The Intership (I’m probably the only one on the planet that preferred the latter to the former) and now Neighbors have proven that she’s got the chops to carry a comedy on her own. Her co-star Dave Franco is far and away my favorite Franco. He’s easily one of the most underrated young comedians in Hollywood today (and also the subject of one of the funniest meta jokes I’d ever heard on ABC Family’s criminally underrated Greek).
The movie did slow down at times, usually when the story shifted away from the family/fraternity conflict and focused on the regular challenges that Mac and Kelly experience as young parents. Both Byrne and Rogen put in the effort – and there’s definitely some good material there – but it just doesn’t sing like the rest of the film does. In these moments it almost feels like Neighbors is trying to be two films in one. There was also the inkling of a subplot involving Efron’s character’s lack of direction that ultimately went nowhere.
That said, there’s a great deal more to love about this movie than to dislike. This flick is funny – it could easily be the comedy of the year. Rogen has great chemistry with both Efron and Byrne, and the former holds his own in the over-the-top comedy Rogen is known for. While they’re not a pair I’d have imagined together before Neighbors, the did a fantastic job.
Thanks for another great review. Were I a fan of either Rogen or Efron it would have helped my decision on seeing this movie.
What … no love for Charlie St. Cloud????
(I’m the only one….)