Fringe throws another curve ball at the fans

‘Fringe’ has gotten very good at changing directions during the first four and a half seasons of its run. Sometimes you see the curve balls coming, but others — like tonight — it seemingly comes out of nowhere.
I don’t normally bother with spoiler warnings, because I’m one of those people who thinks that you should be visiting a television and pop culture commentary site if you’re avoiding spoilers for a particular show. But in this case, I’m going to make an exception. If you’ve not watched this weeks Fringe, you should move on now.
No, seriously … don’t keep reading; you’re not going to be happy with me.
Now that you’ve made it this far, I have a question for you: did anyone see that happening? Despite wondering all summer why Georgina Haig wasn’t made a series regular, I know I sure didn’t. Even as word started to circulate on my Twitter feed that there was big happenings in this episode – including potentially a major character death – I didn’t think Etta would be in any type of danger. Frankly, I thought that Broyles was the character in the most danger.
Think about it: Broyles hasn’t been connected to the core Fringe team since the time jump. He’s been working behind the scenes on their behalf, and the reunion that we saw tonight was a foregone conclusion. What kind of emotional rollercoaster would result from Broyles reconnecting with the team only for him to die in some heroic way the character deserved? As a fan of the show, it feels weird to say that I would have preferred the death of a character that has been around since the first episode, but I’m still pretty shell-shocked from Etta’s death – and I watched the episode on two days ago.
In many ways, Etta represented the union between Peter and Olivia that the audience was never really privy to. Fringe has done a wonderful job reinventing itself several times during its run, but a complaint that many fans had was that these changes interrupted getting to see their favorite couple together and happy for any extended period of time. Even in the timeline that we’re now watching, Peter and Olivia were separated by time, space and amber for many years. Their happy time raising young Etta was cut short – and we didn’t even get to see that.
But Etta was the living symbol of a time that Peter and Olivia were together as well as an emotional anchor that both characters shared in this tumultuous future. She a wonderful dynamic with both of her parents – though her relationship with her mother, with its interesting give and take, was on display much more often. I can only imagine the lasting effects her loss will have on both Olivia and Peter. One thing forgotten in this time jump is how many of their friends and family the might have lost as well. Unless I’ve missed it, we’ve not heard anything about Rachel and Ella. Etta’s death might be in the forefront, but its far from the only loss they’ve had to endure.
From a more practical perspective, their mission of saving the world just got much more difficult. Etta was their guide in the future, doing everything from translating to teaching. Broyles is the obvious candidate to step into that role where he can, but Peter, Olivia and Walter are going to need to be a great deal more self-sufficient moving forward.
Considering the many characters that have come and gone as Fringe transitioned through multiple worlds, universes, realities and timelines, I was surprised at how much of an impact Etta’s death had on me as a viewer. While I think that she obviously important to the story – and to her parents – I think it’s more than that. Georgina Haig did a wonderful job in a tough role, and will be missed as Fringe comes to an end this season.
Did you get attached to Etta as I did?
Didn’t see the episode yet, but I did notice that Gerogina Haig was not a series regular so when I heard there was going to be a death, I was pretty sure it was going to be her. So I guess I did see it coming!
I’m just happy it wasn’t Astrid!
I’m seriously disliking this last season of Fringe and tempted to just consider the end of last season as the final series episode.
Also seriously disliked Etta’s character so I’m pretty ambivalent about her death. ><
Etta’s character hadn’t won a place in my heart, but it look about 2 seasons for me to connect with Olivia, so I think it’s more on the writers’ ability to write intriguing lead females. But I was shocked that they killed her. I don’t follow spoilers, so I had no idea a death was coming. It was a fantastic twist, and completely changes the potential direction of the season. The outlook on the old path was a pretty formulaic outlay of finding the tapes, shenanigans, mourning lost time with Etta, rebuilding/exploring the relationship, Olivia and Peter repairing theirs, and the systematic take down of the Watchers, with maybe a little more exploration of their current universe. Now, it might just be amazing.
I never saw it coming. Etta grew on me each week. I was so impressed with the casting. She looks like a perfect blend of Peter and Olivia’s features, and her voice/delivery was very much like Olivia’s. Until this episode, I was suspicious of Etta, thinking that she may have been taken as a child and brainwashed by the Observers. I still would like to know who raised her and how she learned about her parents. She is kind of a mystery, even to Peter and Olivia; they know she’s their daughter, but they never got to know her as a person.
This twist may be for the best. While the mother-daughter dynamic was interesting, Olivia seemed very passive in the past few episodes, like she was trying not to step on Etta’s toes and was quietly following orders instead of offering ideas. Perhaps this will jolt her into a more active role. I also imagine this must mean they are going to reset the timeline somehow so that they get a second chance with Etta (Walter got a second chance with Peter, so it’s only fair…).