Dancing with the Stars season 17 starts off with a bang

‘Dancing with the Stars’ certainly started the season off on the right foot, and the great cast and many changes have breathed new life into the show!
Dancing with the Stars Season 17 got started in grand style with the pros, troupe, cast, judges and hosts doing a big dance number to “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” which was one of the songs from The Great Gatsby. Love the song, loved the whole number but … I believe they did pretty much the same thing on the first live show this season on So You Think You Can Dance. Sometimes it was a hot mess, but it still got the party started. And they wasted no time in getting started either! No long intro for the stars, we just got into the dance. That was just the first of many of this season’s changes.
Kim: I was slightly disappointed with the Season 17 premiere. I’m not sure why exactly – I think this season has a really strong, competitive cast. Maybe their costumes just weren’t glitzy enough for me. Maybe I missed seeing more of Harold Wheeler and the house band. Maybe I was bothered by the fact that everything seems to take place on or near the dance floor now. Maybe it’s because I know I’m only going to get my dose of glitter once a week now instead of twice. I can’t say for certain what it was that caused me to feel less than stellar about it. There were standout performances of course, but it felt like for each of those there were about two equally lackluster numbers in-between. Hopefully my mood improves next week!
CD: Brant & Peta were up first with a Cha-cha-cha. I believe Brant did a pretty great job with his dance, but I was still getting adjusted to all the changes in the ballroom. First, they danced to the actual song instead of Harold Wheeler’s orchestra and singers. Then I was very confused by the judges’ table because it seemed to be on the opposite side of the floor (it was). Then the rest of the cast was sitting right there next to the judges. The Celebriquarium is gone! I did think it was funny that Tom Bergeron dubbed the seating “The Sexy Bus Stop.” So it was all overwhelming for me to take in while trying to focus on the dance, but I think if Brant continues to do well (and getting the first 8 of the night from Len of all people should be a good indication of his talent), his skill, charm and extremely good looks (and being partnered with Peta isn’t going to hurt him) could make him a contender for the finals. Score: 22.
KT: I still don’t know who Brant is really, but he was definitely easy on the eyes, looks-wise and dance-wise! He seemed to nail his performance and I concur with Chuck – I could easily see him being a contender in the coming weeks of competition. I especially loved his story about telling his mom he was going to be on the show – that was really cute!
CD: Leah & Tony were up next with the Fox Trot. Leah seemed to have a great, self-deprecating sense of humor in her video package and she had some fun with the judges too. Despite all of her fears and self-doubt about her dancing ability, she did extremely well. She was very light on her feet and very elegant and the dance suited her well. We’ll see how she does with Contemporary or a Latin dance, but for now her personality and fan base should keep her around for a while. Score: 21.
KT: Leah is the perfect combination of sass and class, and I look forward to seeing her continue to improve week-to-week. I thought she looked very pretty, sophisticated and light on her feet.
CD: Okay, I know I gave Corbin a hard time in our preview post because of his cast photo, so I’m happy to say he does not look like his father in real life. The photographer should be fired. Corbin & Karina had the first Contemporary dance of the night, and while it was a fantastic piece, I have to wonder if it wasn’t one of the easier dances of the night. Yes, there is demanding choreography, but it doesn’t have the rigid structure of a traditional ballroom dance, so I think Corbin got off easy this week with a lot of running and jumping. And I totally thought he was going to drop Karina during that lift. The judges were impressed nonetheless. Score: 24
KT: I enjoyed Corbin & Karina’s Contemporary – it was visually and emotionally interesting and more than a little steamy. I don’t think it was the best Contemporary of the night, but I’m no longer going around saying, “Corbin who?”
CD: Jack & Cheryl were up next with a Fox Trot. Jack is in the unenviable position of (1) following in his sister’s footsteps on the show and (2) dealing with MS. I was worried that this season was going to bring on the pathos, and they had to tread a fine line. Jack explained his illness, but he joked about it too. And then they hit the dance floor and it was magical. Jack had some great, technical footwork that had his feet moving so fast you could just see a blur. Watching Jack dance made me smile and get teary all at the same time. It was a wonderful dance that got a final score of 23.
KT: Jack looked so debonair! He was easily one of my favorites of the night, as his dance was very playful and cute. I thought he did very well and when I saw his mom tear up, I almost did! I was a little miffed that Bruno didn’t give him an 8! Jack is still one to beat in my opinion. I’ll probably start voting for him as soon as Bill Nye is kicked off.
CD: Amber & Derek hit the floor with a Cha-cha-cha and that girl tore it up. I saw another comment online that said she totally stole the show from the normally camera-hogging Derek and that is so true. I wasn’t even looking at Derek. Amber shook and shimmied, with great footwork and hand and arm extensions … it truly was a showstopping moment for the first week. The ballroom erupted as she finished and the judges were gobsmacked, awarding three 9s! I don’t think anyone has ever gotten a 9 on the first show. Amber is a force to be reckoned with. But will there be backlash from those who believe her dance experience on Glee gives her an edge? Score: 27.
KT: While I would agree that Amber shook her moneymaker for all it was worth, I was surprised she got three 9s! I’m thrilled for both her and Derek, but I was like really? It was certainly fun and exhilarating, but not an almost-perfect dance in my humble opinion. Maybe one of the better ones of the night, but it was the first week so that isn’t saying much.
CD: Elizabeth & Val had to follow that with another Contemporary number. I think this one was much more technical than Corbin’s, and Elizabeth had fantastic movement and grace, very expressive and emotional and the dance suited the song, “Imagine,” to a T. Elizabeth may also have some nay-sayers because she really has more of a dance background than anyone, but she says she really gave it up after Showgirls. I’m sure she still remembers her training so we’ll see if that helps or hurts her in the end. Score: 24.
KT: It may not have been extremely fiery or intense, but I enjoyed their Contemporary number nonetheless. Elizabeth had amazing lines, and I still see her propelling forward to the finals. The choreography was brilliant as always. I’d love to see Val win this season. It also made me laugh that Val learned English by watching Saved by the Bell – can you imagine that?