Dancing With the Stars 18 – Have they run out of stars?

As ‘Dancing With the Stars’ launches its 18th season, Kim and Chuck take a look at the changes and wonder just exactly where are the stars.
With the new cast of Dancing With the Stars announced, and the season premiere only hours away, it’s time for Kim and I to play catch up and dish on the stars, non-stars, and twists and turns coming this season.
CHUCK: The biggest issues we need to address first are the big shakeup in the personnel department. First we heard the Harold Wheeler Orchestra got the boot because they were going to use all pre-recorded, original music this time out … and then they went and hired a new band fronted by a former American Idol band leader. I know a lot of people out there hated the show’s music – and not necessarily the music, but the singers who often butchered the songs – but I thought Wheeler and his musicians and singers did an admirable job under tough circumstances. It’s hard to cut down and arrange a 3-plus minute song to a minute and a half, sometimes completely re-orchestrating the music to fit the style of the dance. I’m not sure how a stripped down band is going to work. I like the use of original music, but a live orchestra just adds to the ambiance. What do you think?
KIM: I never really had much of a problem with the music, to be honest. I was shocked to hear of this shakeup. I think original music would be a good format, but can they always get the rights to do that? The show wouldn’t be the same without the live music format. I hope they get this figured out!
CHUCK: And the second biggest elephant no longer in the room is the never delightful Brooke Burke-Charvet. I don’t know why they even bother giving Tom Bergeron a co-host. Bergeron really carried the show last season when they went from two nights to one which gave him more time to interact with the stars and pros as they waited for their judging and scores. It was much better than Brooke blathering on, sometimes seeming like she wasn’t even listening. My favorite Brooke moment was when they had her on the giant video screen above the stage and Tom was throwing to her and he said, “Brook, you’re enormous,” and her reply was, “Thanks Tom.” She was even more useless than Samantha Harris, and often turned an interview around to her experience on the show. Erin Andrews at least has reporting skills and DWTS experience, but I hope she doesn’t just ask more mindless questions.
KIM: I was never a big Brooke fan either. Let’s face it: she was mostly eye candy. I loved Erin when she was a contestant, so I’m hopeful about this change. She had a bubbly enthusiasm about her but she didn’t ever go overboard with it from what I remember. Thank goodness they didn’t get rid of Tom — he cracks me up every week! The show would definitely not be the same without Tom.
CHUCK: Tom is like Seacrest on Idol. No matter how many changes they make (and some think DWTS needs new judges too), Tom Bergeron should always be there! And then there’s the twist – later in the season, viewers will be able to vote on “The Switch Up,” which will rip apart the dance teams and force a celeb to dance with a new partner. I’m not sold on this idea at all. We watch the show to see the relationship develop between the star and their pro, and now just as they’re getting into a groove, they’re going to be torn apart?! It may inject drama into a show that has seen its ratings fall over the last few seasons, but it could also do some major damage as well.
KIM: Whaaat? I didn’t hear about this change! I very much dislike this idea! How can you root for any pairing with the knowledge that their partnership can change? Let’s hope they see the folly of this and don’t make it something they do every season because honestly that sounds like a turn-off to me. I have my favorite dance pros and my favorite celebrities and I usually stay pretty loyal to whomever I’m throwing my votes to each season.
CHUCK: Agreed. And then we come to the stars. Oh, they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I know “big” names won’t do the show because they see it as a step down into obscurity, but I think it’s been proven over time that being on the show has its benefits as far as putting someone’s star on the ascent rather than descent. So this year, we have very little in the way of “stars” – and my definition of a star is someone from stage or screen. Athletes are athletes, they can be famous and popular, but for me they don’t fall into the definition of a “star.”
And this season is rife with athletes of whom I have absolutely no investment at the moment. I don’t even know who most of them are! So good luck Sean Avery, Meryl Davis, Amy Purdy and Charlie White, whoever you are. At least I do know Diana Nyad, but what, she wasn’t old enough to pair with Tristan so he’s off the show?!
KIM: If I’m being honest, Charlie White is the only athlete this season I’ve ever heard of, and I don’t even know much about him. But then again, I don’t watch very many sports, and I seldom know who very many of the athletes are. But the athletes usually win me over because they end up being pretty good dancers! And I’m saddened to hear Tristan won’t be on there this season. We can count on Maks to add some snarky entertainment though.
CHUCK: Yes, Maks is back, so that’s a plus. Moving on to people I do know. First, Drew Carey. I used to love his sitcom, but I really don’t like him on The Price Is Right. He never really seems invested in the contestants like Bob Barker was. He seemed more warm and human when he was heavier, but now he just comes off as cold and distant. He’s really going to have to work it to win me over.
KIM: I still love Drew Carey! I’m excited to see him lighter on his feet and ready to sweep his dance partner off hers. I hope he wears a bow tie every single week because that might be enough to win my votes.
CHUCK: Nene Leakes was someone I only knew of from one of those Real Housewives shows. Then I was appalled when I heard she was going to be on Glee, but she surprised me with her performance regardless of how one-note it was written. Then I adored her on The New Normal, and I’ve been a fan ever since (although I still refuse to watch a Real Housewives show). I hope she can dance, because right now I think she’s the only person I’m really rooting for!
KIM: I don’t even know who this person is, sorry Chuck. I don’t watch any of those shows you just mentioned. This sounds like someone I might be annoyed watching though, similar to Snooki. I just don’t have much respect or patience for “reality TV stars.”
CHUCK: But Nene has segued into acting pretty well, so I give her props for that. I have no idea who James Maslow is. Or Cody Simpson for that matter. One is from Nickelodeon and the other is from The Disney Channel. I guess a certain Canadian bad boy wasn’t available or willing to go on the show, but if you’re reading this Justin, Dancing With the Stars is the perfect career rehabilitation you could use right about now.
KIM: I have no clue on either of these kids either. I never know the Disney celebrity, but I’m usually won over because they pick pretty talented kids.
CHUCK: I only vaguely know Candace Cameron Bure. She was on some sitcom I never watched. I do, however, know Danica McKellar and I loved her as Winnie Cooper on The Wonder Years. I wonder if her appearance is tied in to the long-awaited release of that show on DVD? I hope she does well. She’s a child star who grew up without getting into any tabloid-style trouble, so I’ll put her up on my list with Nene as to who I’d like to see succeed.
KIM: ’80s aficionado that I am, these are the two celebrities I am most excited to see this season! I loved Full House and The Wonder Years growing up and out of all the celebs, I have seen the most pictures of Candace rehearsing with Mark (maybe that’s because I follow both on social media). I have to say Candace and Mark look absolutely adorable together! And for the record, Candace also had a pretty squeaky clean record, Chuck. I hope her fellow Full House co-stars come to root for her because that would make my day. Actually, if Kevin Arnold came to root for Winnie Cooper, that would also make my day! I adore Fred Savage.
CHUCK: Maybe Danica can talk Fred into doing it next season! Of course, the geek crowd should tune in for Billy Dee Williams. I saw him recently as a judge on an episode of King of the Nerds, so I wonder if his sudden resurgence of TV work is tied in to that upcoming film sequel to a popular franchise in which he played a memorable role? Or maybe he’s here to show he’s still got it and JJ Abrams should take note (especially if some of the original stars are coming back). He may be able to pilot a spaceship, but I’m not sure if he’s going to have the dancing skills to get him very far. And any bets on if his first dance will be to the Stars Wars theme? And I think it’s time to start a Facebook page petitioning them to cast George Takei next season!
KIM: Stay classy, Cloud City! The nerd in me is excited to see Billy Dee, but I have a feeling you’re right Chuck. I can’t picture him being very graceful. And I would 100% sign a petition to cast George Takei — he would be a blast to watch! I doubt that will ever happen though.
CHUCK: If a Facebook page can get Betty White a gig on SNL, then I think we can get George on DWTS. I bet he’d jump at the chance! Oh My! Well, I think it’s safe to say that while we have a couple of interesting celebs on the show this season, the dearth of “stars” and the influx of athletes is going to drive the show over to ESPN soon. Perhaps it’s time to think about just doing the show once a year so the pool of potential participants isn’t drained completely. Let us know who you’re rooting for, and we’ll check back in occasionally to rank our favorites!