The Sessions is an amusing and frank story of intimacy and struggle
Friday, October 26, 2012

‘The Sessions’ is the ‘based on a true story’ tale of becoming a man when you can’t move a muscle.
‘The Sessions’ is the ‘based on a true story’ tale of becoming a man when you can’t move a muscle.
‘Last Resort’s’ Marcus Chaplin has gone through a great deal of trouble to protect his crew, and the story he is trying to tell. But does he have any idea how his conflict might come to an end?
Using my patent-pending multi-tiered approach to television show promoting, shows that might otherwise wind up in an early grave could have new life breathed into them.
Is Belle REALLY a good role model for little girls? Storybrooke’s Belle’s increased forgiveness of Rumpel’s lies rubs me the wrong way as an adult woman. If this weren’t a fairy tale, would you REALLY want your best friend or daughter dating this guy?
An even more satisfying 2nd episode in the new season continues to keep us in suspense and build dynamically while leading us down a more intriguing path than its source material (the comic) ever did. But it has me thinking, too …
It’s the curse of every new television season: a bumper crop of sitcoms that leave us longing for the heyday of comedy. But when did “critically acclaimed” become code for “failed concept that a network just won’t quit?” And what series gets to wear that crown this season?
Don’t look down your nose on Disney’s new direct-to-video feature ‘Secret of the Wings.’ It’s a magical experience for children and adults of all ages.
We need to ban remakes for a while, to bring some originality back into our cinemas.
‘Alex Cross’ falls flat in just about every way. What should have been a fairly straightforward cop story devolved into a hot mess of uneven acting, odd camera work and Matthew Fox as you’ve never seen him before.
‘The Vampire Diaries’ excels at centering an episode around a theme, and “Memorial” is all about the juxtapositions: loners and teams, dead and living, symbolic versus true mourning.