Joss Whedon: The Biography is a must have for Whedon fans
Friday, August 1, 2014

‘Joss Whedon: The Biography’ is a true history of the nerd icon from childhood to the current day.
‘Joss Whedon: The Biography’ is a true history of the nerd icon from childhood to the current day.
This Throwback Thursday is a love letter to a childhood favorite that is celebrating its 30th anniversary this week. Join CliqueClack for a fond look back at ‘The NeverEnding Story’ and the beloved book of the same name. Look for a special anniversary Blu-Ray release later this year.
‘Reading Joss Whedon’ is a jam-packed collection of scholarly works on the beloved nerd icon that may be ideal for Whedon superfans.
Urban fantasy author of ‘Dreams and Shadows’ returns for a followup that’s just as fascinating and fun to read.
The ‘Game of Thrones’ finale was one of the most hyped episodes ever. Did it live up to the hype, or was it just full of surprises that book readers didn’t see coming. Remember, spoilers everywhere!
“Watchers on the Wall” was a phenomenal effort on the part of the cast and crew of ‘Game of Thrones.’ How does it compare to the series’ other standout episodes? Spoilerphobes, don’t forget that Beyond the Wall is for readers of the books!
‘Game of Thrones’ returned with a bang this week, bringing big moments usually reserved for the last two episodes of a season. The “small” moments were pretty damn good, too. Spoiler Alert: remember, Beyond the Wall is for book readers.
Beyond the Wall returns from its one-week hiatus, and focuses on the relationship between Daenerys Stormborn and Jorah Mormont. Remember though that the FriendZone is a SpoilerZone!
‘Beyond the Wall’ returns this week with a look whether or not the changes we’ve seen so far really mean anything in the long run.
This week’s Beyond the Wall highlights the increasing divergences between ‘Game of Thrones’ and the source material, and how we might have already seen the show’s endgame. Beware, show-watchers: Spoilers everywhere.