Goodbye CliqueClack. Hello Hotchka.
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello, everyone! It has come time for for us to say goodbye.
Hello, everyone! It has come time for for us to say goodbye.
When erotic fiction is watered down for consumption by the masses on the big screen, is there any doubt it might have some flaws? Just how bad is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ anyway?
With the new film about to premiere based on a book that helped coin the phrase “Mommy Porn,” let’s examine how a thirteen year old film already did it better.
When Spook John Gregory yearns to retire, training a suitable replacement is anything but an easy task. Does young Thomas Ward have what it takes in ‘Seventh Son?’
Be the first to see the new fantasy film ‘Seventh Son’ in Baltimore, DC or Virginia Beach. Read on to find out how to get your passes.
Be the first to see ‘Seventh Son’ in Boston! Find out how you can win passes.
Is a minute of pain worth a lifetime of glory? ‘Unbroken’ tells the remarkable true story of Louis Zamperini, a U.S. Olympic athlete and World War II bombardier who survived a plane crash, 47 days adrift at sea and being a prisoner-of-war.
Did easy-on-the-eyes Ben Affleck really kill his on-screen wife in ‘Gone Girl’? Find out how the newest thriller from David Fincher stacks up to all the buzz surrounding it.
Thanks to the Internet, finding obscure childhood favorites is now easier than ever before. Join me as I take a look at ‘The Mystery of the Third Planet,’ a rare animated gem that comes from Cold War-era Russia with love in this week’s Throwback Thursday installment!
Starz’ ‘Outlander’ premieres August 9th, and we talked to the cast and producer Ron Moore to find out everything we could about the first season.