Win passes to see Calvary with Brendan Gleeson in DC

Brendan Gleeson stars in the new film ‘Calvary,’ and we have free passes to a screening and Q & A with the actor! Find out how you can get a pair of tickets to the event.
This offer is now closed. Follow CliqueClack on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr for contest alerts, reviews and breaking news.
CliqueClack has partnered with Fox Searchlight to offer readers in Washington, DC an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new drama Calvary starring Brendan Gleeson, Chris O’Dowd, Kelly Reilly, Aidan Gillen, Dylan Moran, M. Emmet Walsh, and Domhnall Gleeson.
Father James (Gleeson) is a good priest who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter (Reilly) and reach out to help members of his church with their various scurrilous moral — and often comic — problems, he feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Calvary.
The screenings will take place on Monday, July 21, 7:00 PM at the Landmark E Street Cinema. As an added bonus, a Q & A with director John Michael McDonagh and star Brendan Gleeson will take place immediately after the screening.
A limited number of passes are available on a first come, first served basis. Simply comment on this post and we will send your pass by email. Include your FULL NAME and email address in the appropriate spaces on the submission form. Please make sure you have entered your email address correctly! As passes are limited, we will accept one comment per person/per email address/per household (this is not a random drawing so if you’re a couple, only one of you need comment!). CliqueClack reserves the right to discard any duplicates or comments that appear to be duplicates. Multiple comments from a single person will result in complete disqualification. Please keep these offers fair for everyone.
Please note that passes do not guarantee seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed, and is not responsible for seating arrangements at the theater.
This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first. Have a look at the trailer below and then let us know if you want to see the film. Calvary opens in DC on August 8th.
Love Brendan Gleeson; looking forward to this!
This film looks great.
Love to see this!
Looks like a great role for a great actor! Thanks.
Two passes, please!
This looks so interesting – I would love a ticket! Thanks
Would truly love to see this!
Brendan Gleeson is a baller! Would love to see this movie with him there!
Thanks! Excited about the screening!
This looks great, I’d like a ticket, thanks!
I would really like to see this movie.
I would enjoy attending this screening.
Would love to get passes – looks like a good movie!
Would love to go! Love Brendan Gleeson!!
This is great! Please if 2 passes can be shared. Thanks!
You will receive one Admit Two pass.
I would like to attend this screening.
Would like to see this.
Great reviews!
I would hate to miss it! If possible, could 2 passes be granted? I would be immensely grateful.
Winners will receive one Admit Two pass.
Saw The Guard in Dundrum shopping centre, would love to see Calvary here.
This looks so good!
I am a huge fan of Brendan G in all of his roles. I would love to see him in person and his latest work!
This movie looks amazing and I can’t wait to check it out.