Beyond the Wall: What is in store for House Greyjoy?

Winter is coming; the fourth season of ‘Game of Thrones’ premieres in just three weeks. This week, Beyond the Wall takes a look at where House Greyjoy’s story is going. Remember folks, book-spoilers everywhere!
We are only three weeks away from the fourth season premiere of Game of Thrones. The excitement is building as April 6th brings us “Two Swords.” In these last few weeks, Clackers Bob and Ivey will be previewing what is to come as the series delves deeper into the second half of Storm of Swords, the third installment of the A Song of Ice and Fire series.
In this week’s edition of Beyond the Wall, we are going to take a look at what might happen to the Ironborn of House Greyjoy this year. As with much of the series, last season saw the story on the Iron Islands begin to diverge more and more from the books. Theon was exactly where he was “supposed” to be — though we were seeing on-screen what was extrapolated from what happened off-page in the book. Yara’s mission to rescue her brother, however, was a complete departure from the source material.
As always, our usual SPOILER WARNING: Beyond the Wall is a column intended for those who have read the novels. So, if you don’t know why Reek rhymes with meek, then you should not click to read what comes next.
Bob: We have been analyzing the differences between Game of Thrones and the novels for three years now. It’s inevitable that the story on screen is not going to match the story on the page completely, and to be honest, I’m impressed on just how loyal the writers of the show have been to the source material so far. The end of last season, however, gave a little insight into one story line that appears to be diverging almost completely from the story in George R. R. Martin’s books.
There have been no indications from casting news, or even rumors, that any of the other Greyjoys are going to be cast, and it seems like with Yara’s voyage from the isles, there is a different story about to play out on screen. Any guesses on what we might see this season from those who do not sow?
Ivey: I’ve got several ideas, but none I’m so sure about. I am with you, Balon Greyjoy is not long for this world. There has been a great deal of speculation on just how accidental his death was, and I am hoping that we might get a confirmation — or even a hint — one way or the other. Yara’s quest I’m even more in the dark about. The Dreadfort is entirely too far inland for her forces to have any real chance to stage a successful breakout.
But none of that really matters compared to the rest of the Iron Island politics, does it? With no casting announcements, it is doubtful that we will be meeting any of Balon’s brothers. When we finally do, however, I’m still sticking to my theory about Euron and Victarion (I suspect the Damphair will be completely removed). I have long suspected that showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss will be combining the two characters, a move that will throw some of the story from A Dance with Dragons into question.
Bob: It’s possible, and I think combining the characters would be a good move. However, I’m wondering if we will see any of the other Greyjoys ever. The jury is still out on just how important Victarion’s little trip across the narrow sea will be to the greater story. Could it be that Martin let the producers know that it’s just an ancillary story and they are going to skip the rest of the Greyjoys altogether? I could see it happening. With the enormity of these books, something is going to have to get cut out of the show, right?
Ivey: Wait … yousa people gonna die? I’m shocked, shocked I say that Martin, Benioff and Weiss would kill off characters that their audience has come to love and … OK, I couldn’t even keep a straight face while typing that out. I think it makes a great deal of sense to combine characters (see also: Sand, Ellaira and Snakes, Sand) where they can, and use characters they’re already using elsewhere when they need to tweak stories (see: Payne, Ilyn and Bronn).
Bob: I’m really curious to see how it develops. With Yara’s story, it’s going to be refreshing and a little exciting not knowing what is coming next. Now the season just needs to start!