American Idol: Let the voting results roll in

The first vote of the season on ‘American Idol’ is going to be an interesting one. I’ve made my picks who gets into the Top 10.
This is where the fun begins on American Idol.
We’ve got our first live shows squarely tucked away and now it’s time for the voting public to have their say on who stays and who goes. The 10 remaining gals and the 10 remaining guys get whittled down to a mere 5 each to form the Top 10 on the show. And I’m not saying anything everyone doesn’t already know by stating we’re ready for it.
The previous couple weeks in Vegas saw the judges hacking and chopping at the hopefuls, halving those who came across the stage to get to the 20 we currently have. In the interim I’ve been making merry by making edjumacated guesses as to who makes the cuts. And I don’t mind boasting my guesses landed in the upper ninety percentile range. (Yes … there were a few surprises thrown in for good measure. You’re just going to have to believe me.) It hasn’t been too difficult figuring who Randy and Company would give nods to and who they would nix. But now, with “Jane & Joe TV Viewer” having the power of elimination, the frolickry really starts.
Having watched Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s broadcasts, here are my picks of who’s in after tonight’s eliminations: Tenna Torres, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb, Kree Harrison and Candice Glover for the girls, Charlie Askew (!), Nick Boddington, Lazaro Arbos, Curtis Finch, Jr. and Devin Velez for the guys.
What? You agree with me? Good. I knew you would. Let me touch on a few …
Angie nailed yet another song (and by Idol alum Colton Dixon no less). Is there any doubt she’ll make it into the Top 10? (“No” Michael says, answering his own question.) Despite Amber having some strange stage presence, she can belt out a tune … and that alone will nullify the weirdness she displays. And Kree may not be at the level of Angie or Amber, but she’s got her own style and performance ease. Candice has a nice, big voice that tops the others I left off the list and I tossed Tenna in there not because of the “I like your rack” comment Nicki Minaj aimed her way, but in spite of it … and because she deserves it. She might surprise us by going farther than even she thinks, but that has yet to be seen.
“Wait” you might be saying: “What about the needed county girl aspect of the show? Why didn’t you include Janelle Arthur in the mix, Michael?” Because the country-twinged song she sang Tuesday night was just there and didn’t stand out in the least. She didn’t do herself any favors taking a non-emotive stance and I don’t believe she’s up to snuff compared to the other 5 mentioned.
How ’bout the guys? Nick appears to have the ability to make songs his own. (At least the one he performed Wednesday.) And that’s a plus. So … he’s through without any problem in my mind. Despite Lazaro having committing one of my most vilified tunes (“Feeling Good” … *ugh*), he did the tune justice and he’s in like Flynn. I like Curtis a lot. He’s fun, frolickous and he’s got a fine, fine voice. Loved the way he built on his song as well as the way he “brought it home” in the end. And Devlin took “It’s Impossible” and made it his own. Good stuff. That leaves my final spot for Charlie Askew …
Freaks and Weirdos: There are always a couple in the bunch who squeak in who you really wonder about. (Remember Sanjaya Malakar? Casey Abrams?) Well, the freaks and weirdos this time around are Zoanette Johnson and Charlie Askew … except Charlie is the one advancing in the competition. Zonanette will not. She just doesn’t have the chops. All she has to offer is theatrics and those will only get you so far. Now Charlie — while he can’t sing as well as the others — has a command and a presence which audiences eat up. And he put that command on display last evening with his tearful and uncomfortable-to-watch confession. Say what you will about his inability to match the other guys’ talents, but Charlie put on a weird performance coupled with a stranger still after-discussion … and that will translate to votes in his favor. He’ll be this season’s Casey Abrams. Mark my words.
Of the other guys, Elijah Lu of the annoying voice (I think I saw the piano player on his song actually yawn during the performance), Cortez Shaw (boring, plain vanilla) and Paul Jolley (I’m glad Keith Urban called him out on what sort of artist he favored himself as) don’t come close. Burnell Taylor and Vincent Powell could surprise me by sneaking in, but I don’t think so.
I’m just as curious as you who will make the cut. The voting public often does freaky-deeky things. This first vote of the 2013 season could prove that.
I’m hoping Burnell squeaks thru….. I like his openess and seems like a genuinely nice kid. If Devin’ doesn’t make it thru, there is something wrong in the universe. He’s a natural. Charlie is unstable, therefore he will beat out one of those guys. Lazaro is adored by the masses, and Curtis is awfully good. Not sure about Nick. If the little gangster looking guy makes it thru I”m going to stab myself in the good eye. Don’t have an opinion on the girls. I remember really liking Amber. And I predict Zoanette is going to make it…… just a feeling.
Hi…nice article, but I think you are wrong about several contestants. For the boys, the ones who will go through are: Lazaro Arbos, Burnell Taylor, Curtis Finch Jr., Devin Velez, and Vinent Powell. For the girls, the ones who will go through are: Candice Glover, Aubrey Cleland, Breanna Steer, most likely Angie Miller, and last but not least, our beloved drama-queen, Zoanette Johnson. Your opinions are based on America and the individual contestant’s diversity; however, allow me to remind you that America is not one of the panel judges and does not care what genre the contestant is interested in contributing to. America is interested in who CAN sing, who CAN perform, and who CAN make it in the business. Several of the ones you listed severely lack any true singing power and unique talent. Charlie Askew might make it because of his quirkiness and connection with the audience, but the performances you called “boring” were singers showing off the pipes that you don’t have. Finally, Zoanette Johnson may not have the best singing technique or style, but she has her personality, her flair, and is a vocal powerhouse…all of which can be harnessed and professionally trained to be a superstar.
What a crazy stir up with the ladies tonight. I want to see the lady from Louisinia brought back.
Good article, but I’m glad you were wrong about Janell and Charlie. Charlie would only be hurt by going forward. We didn’t see a “confession” Weds. night, we saw a near meltdown, and kudos to Ryan for seeing it. Get the kid to counseling before he spreads that anger with something more lethal than words. What I have seen from him makes me think it is a flip of the coin whether he tries to hurt himself or someone else.
Yes, I have finally caught up on my saved recordings … and just in time to keep pace with the top ten.
PS – Angie over Curtis or Candice? I could see her writing for either one of them, but her writing skills are her strong suit.