CliqueClack Food
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Side Dishes


Inspirational chick pea salad

It was crunch time… about 5:15 and I needed a side dish to serve with the grilled orange roughy Keith was so painstakingly cooking out on the deck. I like to think of myself as an organized, prepared person, but somehow the planning for tonight’s menu went south. I had chick peas and several veggies. […]

Easy microwave sweet potatoes for one – Feed me!

The weather was damp and chilly for much of this past weekend in New York, and I craved homey, comforting food all weekend. The clouds left me feeling particularly lazy, so I didn’t feel like putting in much effort, either. The sweet potatoes in my pantry caught my eye at lunchtime. Mashed sweet potatoes could […]

Creamy Wild Rice Soup – Recipe Test Drive

With Christmas comes cookbooks, at least in our family. My brother gave me one that I’d never heard of: Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking by Heidi Swanson. He assured me it was not about cooking for ghosts or demons, so I cracked it open the other […]

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