A wheat-free, gluten-free side dish with no unrefined sugar that everyone enjoyed? Yes, it really does exist!
Something’s got me cooking up quinoa, one of my favorite side dishes, and this one is a tender balance of sweetness with some unique spices and herbs that really works for me.
To satisfy a craving with something better than you originally craved is truly a wondrous thing….
A side dish can really make a meal seem classier… says the lazy home cook who makes her risotto in a rice cooker. Ahem.
Nothing can beat oven-roasted Brussels sprouts, though I do think some of Heidi’s ideas can combine with roasted sprouts beautifully.
Feast your eyes on our Friday night dinner. It was worth a little (and I mean a little) extra effort to have a special meal worthy of an entire bottle of red wine.
These recipes just sort of fell into place and created a menu … I love it when that happens.