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Recipe Test Drives


Kalua Pig – Redneck Cooking

Every Friday at work we have a treat day: a different person each week brings in food for the group. This is voluntary and we do have some people that do not participate. For those of us that do, we get something tasty each Friday morning. Sometimes this treat is doughnuts from the grocery store […]

Sausage and pepper baked ziti – Recipe Test Drive

If you’ve been following along at home, you know that I’ve never made baked ziti before. Part of me knows why I’ve been avoiding it: it’s a lot of steps, and a lot of dishes! But this particular recipe had a hook that convinced me it was time to try it. It makes enough for […]

Black Forest Brownie Bars – Recipe Test Drive

As the weather is turning colder and the leaves are changing color, one thing is for certain: autumn is upon us. One of the best parts of the fall is Oktoberfest, and I recently attended a German-themed party in honor of the festival. I was tasked with bringing a dessert as part of the festivities […]

Orange pan-glazed tempeh – Recipe Test Drive

It’s been a while since I’ve cooked tempeh, and a longer while since I tried to do anything fun with it. When Owen was younger, one of his favorite foods was pan-fried tempeh strips. They were so easy for him to grab and eat and just as easy for me to pack for our outings. […]

Heidi Swanson’s Double broccoli quinoa – Recipe Test Drive … sort of

I recently highlighted Heidi Swanson’s recipe for double broccoli quinoa in my Recipe Roundup column. I mentioned that I’d like to try it sometime but using roasted broccoli instead of steamed. Yeah, this post isn’t about that, because I did use the steamed. I did, however, add, subtract and substitute a few things to tailor […]

Sweet and sour cabbage wedges – Recipe Test Drive

I really love cabbage. It’s delicious when it’s raw and crunchy, and I love the sweetness it takes on when braised. I love sauerkraut, cole slaw (mayonnaise free, of course) and simply snitching chunks of cabbage when I’m preparing it. Yeah, I’m a little weird. I was looking for a recipe I’d never made before, […]

Chocolate coconut milk ice cream – pardon my drool

As I sit down to my laptop, I am unconvinced as to whether I will even be able to write this post. As soon as I start describing the homemade ice cream we made tonight, I’m sure I’ll be running to the freezer — multiple times — to snitch from the double-batch I made. Yeah, […]

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