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‘Castle’ star Nathan Fillion tweets his vegetarian bean dip recipe

Recently, Nathan Fillion tweeted a seven-layer bean dip recipe and invited his followers to try it out and take photos. I did just that.

New Year’s Eve rack of lamb and baked lime custards – Lick My Lens

How wrong is it that instead of out partying with friends, I sit here at my laptop, reminiscing about the spectacular meal I ate just a few short hours ago? I guess it makes me a mother of a young child, over 40 and a definite foodie.

Five classy dinner side dishes – Recipe Roundup

A side dish can really make a meal seem classier… says the lazy home cook who makes her risotto in a rice cooker. Ahem.

Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins … plus 10 more muffin recipes

These fluffy and moist muffins were a perfect post-Christmas breakfast … along with some bacon and eggs. Yes, it’s another muffin recipe from this self-proclaimed muffin addict.

Three souped-up carrot soups – Recipe Roundup

There’s nothing wrong with a simple carrot soup, but when you can choose from one of these three kicked-up version that are just as easy to prepare, why wouldn’t you give your taste buds some love?

More than 22 one-bite appetizers to bring or to serve

‘Tis the season for gatherings of the most festive kind. Whether I’m hosting or bringing, one-bite appetizers are always an appealing option to me … if I don’t get lazy.

More than 22 dips to bring and serve

It’s OK to be a lazy cook. When you can bring or serve a scrumptious dip you made in your food processor in all of five minutes and it tastes as good as these do, what’s the harm?

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