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Baked Goods


Fourteen one-bite Easter desserts

My moms’ group went crazy for our Easter bake sale … and you benefit!

Saffron pasta salad, Guinness cupcakes, Moroccan carrot soup – Recipe Roundup

Leftovers from St. Patrick’s Day, a pasta salad that has me looking forward to spring vegetables and several other special recipes that I just can’t get off my mind….

A Gooey tasty dessert that should be illegal – Redneck Cooking

Looking for an easy dessert that will leave your guests thinking you’re a gourmet pastry chef? These lava cakes are the recipe you’ve been looking for.

Cinnamon oatmeal waffles make breakfast … chewy – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I like a certain texture in my waffles … not pancake-y, not muffin-y and not toast-y. Give me a crispy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside waffle and I’m in breakfast heaven.

Eight scone recipes to become addicted to – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

The internet is full of enablers … my addiction to scones is growing stronger every day.

Homemade pretzels – the good, the bad and the spelt

If seven rambunctious kids can be on-task and having fun for 20 minutes straight, don’t you owe it to yourself to have a pretzel-making party?

Orange date chocolate chip scones – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Sometimes the best inspiration comes from well-loved recipes all rolled into one. No, really — there aren’t too many flavors combined in these scones, and I stand by that.

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