CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian
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Sausage and onions over rice – Redneck cooking

I hate August. The freezer is empty, well except for some zucchini that was missed, and it is still a month until hunting season starts. I am so looking forward to September. I need some fresh grouse. I always have trouble finding something good to eat this time of year. As much as I love […]

Do bamboo cutting boards dull knives? – Boiling It Down

There’s more to food than recipes. We’ll approach the answers to growing questions, and new ways of taking on tricks of the food trade, and Boil It Down for you. For the past couple of years, we’ve been using a bamboo cutting board as our main chopping surface in the kitchen. It made a whole […]

A very unauthentic, but seriously delicious Pasta e Fagioli

I love soup. When made well, it’s probably just about as perfect of a food as you can get. There may be a couple of meals out there that I like more, but nothing that I could eat every day for a week and not either get sick of or feel guilty about eating. This […]

Potato salad with chives and feta

Our CSA Farm has, quite frankly, been pathetic this year. Finally, we got something beside lettuce and scallions this week: lots and lots of the most delicious yellow beans I think I have ever tasted, and more chives than you could ever imagine using, no matter how many scrambled eggs and baked potatoes you can […]

Hold the Meat – Is my baby trying to tell me something?

One of my very first Hold The Meat columns dealt with whether or not we were going to raise my then-six-month-old baby as a vegetarian. While we haven’t yet made a final decision regarding this issue, lately I feel as though my kid has been trying to tell me something. The photo above is an […]

My favorite vegan desserts – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Let me just say it loud and clear: I’m in no way, shape or form a vegan. I don’t think it’s healthy or appetizing. But […]

Easy white bean dip with garlic and fresh herbs

There’s something magical about a good bean dip. Sometimes it’s the perfect hummus, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with paprika. Other times it’s a spicy black bean dip threatening to ooze over the side of your organic blue corn chip if you don’t scoop it into your mouth in time. But today, I’m thinking […]

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