CliqueClack Food
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The trans fat police crack down in Baltimore – Food Rant

It’s getting that we can’t eat unhealthy in major cities across these United States. In a growing trend, Baltimore has limited the amount of trans fats to less than 0.5 grams per serving. This means the local diner (with the waitresses who call everyone “Hon”) will serve lard-less cherry pies and french fries in peanut oil rather than […]

Zucchini bites, edamame succotash and green beans with poppy seed sauce – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. I’m just not sure what theme I ended up with this week, though perhaps “yummy recipes” is good enough. They are mostly side dishes — rice and veggies — with the exception of a […]

Spicing up your blueberry muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

The blueberry muffin: part healthy, fruity breakfast; part delicious, cakey dessert for breakfast. It’s been a staple for many folks ever since Al Gore invented it in the late 20th century. However, there are probably times that you get somewhat tired of the same taste day after long, hellish day and want to do something  to spice it […]

Winter fruit: a tasty treat – Redneck Cooking

One of the great things about fall are the fresh peaches. Here in Idaho I am fortunate enough to live in a part of the state that has a good season for growing peaches. I have one peach tree in my front yard and it is a good producer. Most years I get a good […]

Thank you, makers of weird food!

Sometimes having food allergies and sensitivities can be a chore, especially when there just isn’t time to make a treat like homemade chocolate coconut milk ice cream or brownies with vegetables in them. We don’t generally buy many pre-made or processed foods, but sometimes they can be a life-saver. Or at least an empty-stomach saver. […]

Heidi Swanson’s Double broccoli quinoa – Recipe Test Drive … sort of

I recently highlighted Heidi Swanson’s recipe for double broccoli quinoa in my Recipe Roundup column. I mentioned that I’d like to try it sometime but using roasted broccoli instead of steamed. Yeah, this post isn’t about that, because I did use the steamed. I did, however, add, subtract and substitute a few things to tailor […]

Stop toasting my subs – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I know I’ve been a bit whiny in this space lately, and it’s not going to change this week. Sorry. It’s just that there’s been this recent trend in food that I don’t understand. It has totally changed the landscape that was familiar for so long. You see, it used to be that when I […]

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