CliqueClack Food
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Food Allergies


Spicing up your blueberry muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

The blueberry muffin: part healthy, fruity breakfast; part delicious, cakey dessert for breakfast. It’s been a staple for many folks ever since Al Gore invented it in the late 20th century. However, there are probably times that you get somewhat tired of the same taste day after long, hellish day and want to do something  to spice it […]

Thank you, makers of weird food!

Sometimes having food allergies and sensitivities can be a chore, especially when there just isn’t time to make a treat like homemade chocolate coconut milk ice cream or brownies with vegetables in them. We don’t generally buy many pre-made or processed foods, but sometimes they can be a life-saver. Or at least an empty-stomach saver. […]

Double broccoli quinoa, snazzy sandwiches, bread machine pita – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Even though I don’t need to pack Owen a lunch for school, we often go on all-day outings so I like to have more exciting and nutritious fare up my sleeve than just a […]

Chocolate coconut milk ice cream – pardon my drool

As I sit down to my laptop, I am unconvinced as to whether I will even be able to write this post. As soon as I start describing the homemade ice cream we made tonight, I’m sure I’ll be running to the freezer — multiple times — to snitch from the double-batch I made. Yeah, […]

Grilled pizza with pesto and feta – Pizza Clack

It’s been a while since we’ve made grilled pizza, but tonight the stars were in alignment and the weather was cooperating, so pizza we grilled. It was nothing fancy; in fact, it was an old go-to combination of whatever we had in the veggie bin and Trader Joe’s pesto chicken sausage. The toppings were onion, […]

No mayonnaise tuna salad – Do More with Less

Gourmet cooking doesn’t have to entail hours of cooking with a list of ingredients longer than your normal grocery list. Create meals bursting with complex flavors that will please every food snob in your life, easily. And less is definitely what I had. No one had been to the grocery store since we got back […]

Salads, pasta, cookies, oh my! – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Last week, we were definitely catering to my sweet tooth with the dessert recipes, but this week, I’ve got a more well-rounded selection of recipes for you to drool over with me. In fact, […]

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