CliqueClack Food
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XXX Menus – Bistro 110, Chicago

It seems to me that everyone would get how good food is the pinnacle of happiness. I mean, yeah, I love chocolate, and I love a good burger. But I’m talking food, the kind of food you can’t possibly imagine eating without the perfect wine to accompany it. I’m talking pornographic food. I actually feel […]

Avocado, sprouts and other healthy stuff – Maki Clack

I swear, I’d eat anything if you wrapped it up in nori and served it to me. OK, almost anything, but you get my point. I don’t necessarily tend toward the vegetarian sushi, since the raw fish is so darned tasty, but when I’m making it on the fly, especially for my four-year-old, the veggie […]

One Unpleasant Chubby

I like trying new things. I’m an adventurous eater and I never back away from something different. When I was younger, my whole family and I used to trek to an annual game feast at a local restaurant for about ten years, through the course of which I tried, amongst others: boar, frog, turtle, bear, […]

Misunderstood Ingredients – The Anchovy

Oh how I love you, you stinky little fish! The poor anchovy has such a bad rap, but I’m here to try to convince all you naysayers to rethink this salty treasure. Now I will fully admit that there are a lot of poor uses for anchovies. For instance, ordering that anchovy pizza from the […]

Roasted butternut squash seeds are yummier than pumpkin seeds

Belonging to a CSA Farm, we end up with lots of butternut squash at the end of a season. This is a coup, since we love to roast it, make stews with it, top pizza with it and add it to pastas, quinoa and brown rice dishes. In our house, butternut squash is never wasted. […]

Appetizing spinach for all ages

I love spinach. Sauteed with garlic, spinach is pungent and delightful. Stewed with chick peas, curry and tomatoes, it’s savory and sweet at the same time. Added to bolognese sauce, it nearly disappears, but fills the dish with nutrition. The one thing all of these preparations have in common, my four-year-old tells me, is that […]

The Wunder Boner: “My wife would like that”

I don’t know about you, but any time I’ve gone camping, I’ve always had a boner problem. You know, after pitching your tent, you head off down to the stream with your Chubby to catch the night’s dinner. When you do catch something on your rod, you’re now looking at a major boner problem. I […]

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