CliqueClack Food
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Have you heard of Viva Daisy? – Food on the Tube

I watch a lot of Food Network. It’s pretty much my default channel when there is nothing that I specifically want to watch on TV. Because of this, I was very surprised when my brother recently told me that he had caught a new show on the Food Network that I hadn’t even heard of, […]

The spiciest thing I ate today

I posted recently about the crock pot chili recipe I devised, and I’m sitting here enjoying the leftovers for lunch as I type. It has a lovely little kick to it, and the only thing that could really be providing that is the multitude of freshly ground black pepper I added. Chili powder doesn’t really […]

Nutritional value of seaweed – Maki Clack

All of these combinations for different sushi rolls. Heck, you can stuff a sheet of nori with almost anything. You may be wondering, “Why? Make a salad, you weirdo!” (I do eat salads too!) Aside from the delightful taste — a little salty, a little fishy, but in a good way — nori is actually […]

The tartest thing I ate today

It wasn’t actually something I ate, but rather something I drank. I start each day with a glass of 100% cranberry juice, diluted in water about 1:6 or so. Yep, that’s right — no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no sweet juices even added. It is cleansing to the system and really gets this non-coffee drinker […]

My goat burrito – Pop Your Cherry

I’ve mentioned before that I have a very adventurous appetite. I love to try new things. In the same post I mentioned that my family used to go to a game feast every year, hosted at a local restaurant. One of the meats the I never managed to try in all the years going to […]

I xoxoxo my OXO, but ….

I burned my nose on my tea kettle today. Don’t laugh. Well, OK, laugh, but only for a moment. All done? Alright, let me explain. I’ve had the tea kettle for a couple of months, and while pouring some hot water into a cup a few days ago, I got the distinct smell of burning […]

Rice pudding with rose water – Pop your cherry

Now, don’t get me wrong, kiddos… I love chocolate as much as the next person. But doesn’t it feel a little done for St. Valentine’s Day? Expected? Predictable? Are you looking for less typical sweet to serve your sweet this year? But what about a spicy rice pudding that tastes of roses? Now that’s exotic. […]

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