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Organic apples are ugly but worth it – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Words cannot describe the perfect day of apple picking we experienced last weekend. Picture this: a gloriously sunny autumn day in New England, some of […]

The salad bar is a pizza maker’s best friend – Pizza Clack

Recently I’ve become really obsessed with making pizza. Between the beauty of my awesome pizza pan, and the delicious homemade crusts from Whole Foods, it has become my recent fall-back meal. It’s fast, easy, versatile, and makes great leftovers. Can you ask for anything else from a weeknight meal? As I have been making more […]

The trans fat police crack down in Baltimore – Food Rant

It’s getting that we can’t eat unhealthy in major cities across these United States. In a growing trend, Baltimore has limited the amount of trans fats to less than 0.5 grams per serving. This means the local diner (with the waitresses who call everyone “Hon”) will serve lard-less cherry pies and french fries in peanut oil rather than […]

Winter fruit: a tasty treat – Redneck Cooking

One of the great things about fall are the fresh peaches. Here in Idaho I am fortunate enough to live in a part of the state that has a good season for growing peaches. I have one peach tree in my front yard and it is a good producer. Most years I get a good […]

Prosciutto and Sage – Perfect Pairs

One word for you folks: Saltimbocca. Sage is one of my favorite herbs, and prosciutto is one of the greatest foods on Earth (I often like to joke, well half-joke, that my favorite three words are: wrapped. in. prosciutto.). It should be no surprise, then, that I am a huge fan of Saltimbocca. There is […]

Bashing recipe bashers – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Commence rant. Alright, I have a bone to pick. There is something that’s been gnawing at me for a while and this past weekend it finally came to a head. I was browsing the internet, looking for appetizer recipes trying to find something that I could bring to a cookout. I kept going back and […]

Chocolate coconut milk ice cream – pardon my drool

As I sit down to my laptop, I am unconvinced as to whether I will even be able to write this post. As soon as I start describing the homemade ice cream we made tonight, I’m sure I’ll be running to the freezer — multiple times — to snitch from the double-batch I made. Yeah, […]

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