CliqueClack Food
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Carrot and snap pea salad

Want to know a little secret? It’s a weird one: Keith doesn’t like cooked carrots, not because of the taste, but because he is convinced that they give him a stomachache. Sure, I could make rollicking fun of him (sometimes I do) but instead I always look for ways to use carrots raw so that […]

Orange pan-glazed tempeh – Recipe Test Drive

It’s been a while since I’ve cooked tempeh, and a longer while since I tried to do anything fun with it. When Owen was younger, one of his favorite foods was pan-fried tempeh strips. They were so easy for him to grab and eat and just as easy for me to pack for our outings. […]

Steak sauce with onions and mushrooms – World’s Easiest

I love those moments of divine inspiration, when creativity and knowing what tastes good together meet in a conspiracy of brilliance and a new dish is born. That happened to me tonight when preparing a steak sauce for our grass fed beef tenderloin that Keith grilled — to perfection I might add — and we […]

Zucchini bites, edamame succotash and green beans with poppy seed sauce – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. I’m just not sure what theme I ended up with this week, though perhaps “yummy recipes” is good enough. They are mostly side dishes — rice and veggies — with the exception of a […]

Winter fruit: a tasty treat – Redneck Cooking

One of the great things about fall are the fresh peaches. Here in Idaho I am fortunate enough to live in a part of the state that has a good season for growing peaches. I have one peach tree in my front yard and it is a good producer. Most years I get a good […]

Heidi Swanson’s Double broccoli quinoa – Recipe Test Drive … sort of

I recently highlighted Heidi Swanson’s recipe for double broccoli quinoa in my Recipe Roundup column. I mentioned that I’d like to try it sometime but using roasted broccoli instead of steamed. Yeah, this post isn’t about that, because I did use the steamed. I did, however, add, subtract and substitute a few things to tailor […]

Hold the Meat – The incredible, edible egg

Being a lacto-ovo vegetarian is the bomb. Why? I’ve got two words for you: “cheese” and “eggs.” A life without one or both is simply not a life worth living. My baby seems to agree with me, as scrambled eggs have recently become his favorite food that isn’t blueberries (kid has a blueberry obsession right […]

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