CliqueClack Food
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Apple cinnamon muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

When you go ugly-apple picking, you’re bound to have to find something to do with your apples besides just eating them whole (well, take bites) as an afternoon snack. I’m a big fan of the breakfast muffin, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now since I’ve shared recipes for peachy flax molasses muffins, berry […]

Six-cheese white pizza with caramelized onions and broccoli – Pizza Clack

I’m just not quite sure how to open this post, without a bunch of OMGs and such. This really, truly was one of the best pizzas I have ever tasted (if I do say so myself). We based this recipe on a pizza that we adored from a local restaurant, The Boynton, that has a […]

Leeky, Greek-y pasta with figs and radicchio – Fresh Foodie

We had a really fun harvest this week, ranging from lots of leeks to two giant heads of radicchio and a pint of Brussels sprouts. Inspiration struck and I devised a pasta dish that would use all of those, plus some leftover fresh oregano and herbed feta I had in the fridge. Using the weekly […]

Tamale pie, black bean sweet potato chili and other one dish wonders – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Remember when I posted all of those freeze ahead meals? I’m still on my one dish kick. I guess I’m not so much scouring the internet for one dish meals, but when they cross […]

Why did the onion cross the road? – Redneck Cooking

This week has been a good week. The ducks and geese are starting to migrate so there are more and more large flocks flying around; yet another reason why I love the fall. But the reason that this has been a good week is because of the onions. The wild onion is a mysterious creature. […]

German beef brisket, Turkish bean salad, Mexican creamed corn – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Recipes associated with different countries found their way to me this week, which is always fun. I love just about any food with an ethnic flair, and it almost doesn’t matter what country. Although […]

Mini quiches and egg sandwiches – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I admit it — I’m in a breakfast rut. Pancakes are the pinnacle of our weekend existence (though we did branch out and make apple cinnamon pancakes this weekend), leaving room for the occasional muffin and frittata, but not much else. So I took it upon myself to find some unique breakfast recipes that excited […]

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