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Sour chicken casserole – Redneck Cooking

My Idea of something different for dinner is adding some onion or bacon to my burger instead of having them plain. My wife, on the other hand, thinks cheeseburgers once a week is too often. She likes to try different things and likes a variety in the weekly menu. This chicken casserole is a good […]

Seafood pasta with tomato, baby spinach and capers

I’m aware that I put capers in almost everything lately. There’s definitely a caper energy permeating my household these days … and why not? They add a subtle saltiness and tang to any dish and I love the complexity that capers add to something that could be humdrum without them. That doesn’t necessarily apply to […]

Italian quesadilla … delicious, if not oxymoronic

I bought brown rice tortillas this week, and that means quesadillas in our house. The little tortilla pies are not something we indulge in very often because they just don’t come out great with corn tortillas. Since Owen and I don’t eat wheat, and we find it hard to work with the texture of the […]

Hold the Meat – this butternut squash risotto will save your Thanksgiving

Ugh. Thanksgiving. I’ve never been much of a fan of this holiday. After all, when you’re not eating turkey, what’s the point? I know, I know, being thankful, family, blah, blah, blah. The thing is, I can do that without fighting traffic and spending all day in the kitchen. Fact: one of my favorite Thanksgivings […]

The beauty of the Thanksgiving sandwich – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Hands down. No contest. I love all the food, the great times with family (without the stress of having to worry about presents), and the football. I love the turkey, the stuffing, the potatoes, the vegetables, the pies. I love it all. One of my fondest memories of Thanksgiving is […]

Sweet and sour chicken wings with no refined sugar or chemical sugar subsititutes

How much do you love sweet and sour chicken wings? That gooey glaze, licking your fingers when they are sticky and covered in that gooey glaze, the golden-brown, appetizing color of the wings, covered in that gooey glaze. You guessed it: for me, it’s all about the gooey glaze. But to get that gooey glaze, […]

Sixteen healthy crock pot meals – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about healthy crock pot recipes (five to be exact) and I’m sure it won’t be the last. More and more, I’m finding — thankfully! — crock pot […]

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