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Easy lentil and vegetable soup – Fresh Foodie

The fun part about this lentil soup is that you can alter it in about four-thousand ways and never feel like you’re bored.

Turkey dinner, redneck style

How I was able to fix a Thanksgiving dinner for my wife before a full day of hunting.

Hold the Meat – A very veggie Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t have to be all about turkey and meat stuffing. Kona shows you how to Hold the Meat, to make a tasty meat-free Thanksgiving meal.

Do you want to eat a healthy Thanksgiving meal? – Fresh Foodie

I ask the question, because some people just don’t care. It’s only one day out of the year, right? Surely it’s OK to have a cheat-fest and eat all that’s put in front of you. If that works for you, go crazy and enjoy.

Last minute Thanksgiving breads, a little off the beaten path – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you.

Lemonilla cake is vegan, but who cares? It’s delicious!

Back when Owen was allergic to eggs — one of the food allergies I’m so thankful he has outgrown — the Vegan Chef saved our lives. Well, not literally, but it sure was nice to find a cake that worked for his birthdays and Easter that everyone could enjoy. I’ll be the first to admit, […]

Redneck Thanksgiving – Redneck cooking

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. And despite all of the advertisement, it’s not a day off from work to go shopping for so-so deals on so-so electronic gizmos to give away for Christmas. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for all that is right and good in your life. A day to spend with family […]

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