CliqueClack Food
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What is the tiniest hot dog in the universe?

So I’m peeking over at Twitter earlier tonight and, amongst the stream of consciousness that is (what many people affectionately call) the Twitterverse, I see someone post the term “the tiniest hot dog in the universe,” with a link that I won’t share, since it really went to nothing at all. But that had me […]

Baseball, nachos and Fries – A gastronomical Home Run

Now that baseball season is here, I have been able to partake in one of my favorite pastimes. I like to sit and watch baseball and eat ball park food. No, I do not mean a bowl of soup like you can get in A T & T Park in San Francisco. I mean real […]

A burger with its own zip code – Fast Food Generation

Ah, baseball! Just the mere mention of the word conjures up sounds and smells from days of yore. The aroma of fresh cut grass, for instance. Or the sound of pine against the rawhide of the ball. Oh, and we can’t forget the scent of a player on the verge of roid rage. Then there’s the […]

Celebration dessert – A well deserved sweet treat.

I had a good week last week and I decided to reward myself for my good fortune. I went all week without getting into a fight at work, or at home with the wife. Bo only bit me once, so it was a good week. My reward, I decided, would be my World famous Peach […]

Bacon Bear Pepperoni Pizza – PizzaClack

I read the post Debbie wrote about the bacon asparagus pizza the other day and I thought, pizza sounds really good. So I read the post again. Yeah, definitely need to have pizza. Luckily I had a pizza crust mix tucked away in the back of the pantry. I dug out the crust mix and […]

The Road Kill Cookbook – A feast before your very tires

As you may have noticed, I use a lot of wild game in my recipes. I prefer wild meat over store bought because I know that the wild game has been feeding on natural foods and not chemical enhanced super-nutrients to make it grow fast. I know what you’re  thinking: I must be the greatest […]

A burger at brgr – Fast Food Generation

As a current resident of a certain Mid-Atlantic state that I won’t mention (though Del is aware of it) I don’t get into New York City too often. When I do I like to take in some of the foods that I normally don’t see in the suburbs. Whether it be from a street-side vendor or a […]

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