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Recipe Roundup


Saffron pasta salad, Guinness cupcakes, Moroccan carrot soup – Recipe Roundup

Leftovers from St. Patrick’s Day, a pasta salad that has me looking forward to spring vegetables and several other special recipes that I just can’t get off my mind….

What I love, what I cooked and what I’m working on – Recipe Roundup

I’ve cooked Tyler Florence, become obsessed alongside Heidi Swanson and drooled a lot with the Wednesday chef … lots of good stuff in this week’s column!

Four Irish recipes to stew on … get it? – Recipe Roundup

OK, so I’m not really Irish … but everyone love a good stew, right? Here’s a roundup of recipes to get your St. Patrick’s Day stew fix on just right.

Soup, biscuits, baked pears and chocolate pretzels – Recipe Roundup

I’m just not sick of lentil soups, and serving this one with these cheddar bacon biscuits would definitely hit the spot. Now, do I want baked pears or chocolate pretzels for dessert?

Homemade raviolis – Recipe Roundup

Now that I’m addicted to making raviolis from scratch, how will I decide which recipe to try next?

Emerald city salad, cheesy potato skins, easy chicken masala – Recipe Roundup

When a recipe is so good you don’t want to lose track of it, then you write it into a column.

Valentine’s chocolate desserts – Recipe Roundup

I’m still trying to decide which one of these decadent chocolate desserts to make for Valentine’s Day — which one makes you salivate?

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