CliqueClack Food
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Italian bread – Let’s Get Baked!

Today, we are going to use a slightly different recipe from our first, basic bread dough recipe. However, the principles of that post still apply. I am sure that a lot has probably been written about Italian bread, variations on it, and treatises on what makes Italian bread different from other breads. I haven’t read […]

Feed Me! – Stocking up

If you’re going to have any chance in hell of putting together a decent meal when you come home from work tired, hungry and cranky, you had best stock your pantry wisely. I was inspired by this article by Mark Bittman at the New York Times last month to restock my woeful, bare cupboard, and […]

Favorite bread machine pizza dough – Pizza Clack

You can’t make pizza without dough — that’s a given. And the kind of dough you want to use is probably based somewhat on your tastes but mostly on your availability — do you have time to make the pizza crust of your dreams every time you want to make homemade pizza? It would be […]

Chocolate chip banana pancakes – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

I look forward to weekend breakfasts: the leisurely enjoyment of a special meal stands out as a highlight of my week, especially when contrasted with sucking down an English muffin while working on my computer, which is my standard mid-week breakfast. Another fun part about weekend breakfasts is that they are a group effort: Keith […]

The real California roll – Maki Clack

OK, I admit I’d eat almost anything if wrapped in a sheet of nori, but I do tend to steer clear of California rolls. I’m offended by the fake crab-like substance, and really, why is it called a California roll anyway (I think it is actually because there is avocado in it)? But strangely enough, […]

Feed me! – Edamame and vegetable rice bowl

I returned to work after a week’s vacation yesterday … and returned home at 11:20 p.m.  Neither the cafeteria’s pedestrian offerings (yawn!) nor the too-rich restaurant food on SeamlessWeb appealed when suppertime rolled around tonight.  So I had a snack and resolved to cook when I came home. After a week of eating lots of […]

Oatmeal strawberry muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Weekend breakfasts are special. It’s a gift to have that extra time to make something out-of-the-ordinary, something exquisitely yummy that you can’t indulge in during the busy week’s schedule. Owen’s favorite is pancakes, particularly banana pancakes with chocolate chip smiley faces. Yeah, he’s four and damn cute. Me? I get a little tired of pancakes […]

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