CliqueClack Food
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The Simple Pleasure of…peanut butter and jelly

Admit it, cooking is complicated. There are ingredients to be gathered and combined, items to be sifted and grated, meats to be seared and poached. It can get so involved that, by the time you’ve gathered, grated, and poached, you’re too tired to enjoy what you have created. It’s during those times that you think back to the […]

Cabbage and White Bean Soup – Feed Me!

I’ve had beans on the brain lately, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s reading about flexitarians. Maybe it’s Lent, and thinking about how Catholics observed it pre-Vatican II. Maybe it’s because they make tasty soups that are easy to make in bulk and freeze. Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure piqued my interest in heirloom […]

Zucchini pizza dough – Pizza Clack

Ah, the Holy Grail … a pizza dough with less calories and more nutrition. Could it be possible, and still taste good? And more importantly, can it fool your kids? I haven’t tried this recipe for Zucchini Pizza Dough, but I’m going with a big yes to the questions above. OK, I admit, it seems […]

All-in-one breakfast muffin – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Hey, have you heard about the importance of a good breakfast? OK, I jest, because we all know that a healthy start to our day is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. From helping keep us slim to supplying our bodies with enough energy to tackle our busy day, a […]

Caledonian Great Scot Organic Pale Ale – Brew Review

Most of the time when we’re buying fresh produce, we will opt to get organic if it’s available and priced reasonably. However, for whatever reason, I’ve never gone out of my way to buy organic beer. It’s not that it’s priced higher — I just never thought too much about it. Last week on a […]

Hold the Meat: an introduction

I was born in Hawaii. That is both how I got my ridiculous name and how I became a life-long vegetarian. I don’t really know the details (mainly because I don’t want to), but the basic story is that my dad was a hippie who may or may not have at one time believed he […]

Crazy Maki – Maki Clack

This week, I’m clacking about a couple of crazy makis that you might not try making on your own but are sure fun to read about. I take that back… if you enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, you very well might be dreaming up how you’d create something similar to these interesting makis. I’ll share […]

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