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Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale – Brew Review

For me, this was a particularly fitting and somewhat emotional beer for this week’s Brew Review. I won’t get into why just yet. I’ve already mentioned before that I love porters, and up there with them I’d add brown ales. Ellie’s is what I’d call the perfect brown ale. It has that roasty, nutty, chocolaty […]

Hold the meat: Luke breaks his silence

Earlier, I was on the couch, watching Judge Judy and trying to figure out what to write for this week’s column. Nothing was really coming for me, so I asked Luke’s advice. “Honey, what should I write about for “Hold the Meat?” “Why don’t you write about what hell it is to cook for you […]

Oh Subway! You just lost a customer

It was a typical day in Anystate, U.S.A. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and passers-by were getting tagged by gangs of spray paint-wielding young adults. As usual, I was in my palatial 9 square foot cubicle, emailing angry correspondence to customers in order to ensure my seven-figure salary. Around noon I began […]

It’s Not Meat, it’s You – Breaking the news

So, I’ve recently rediscovered one of the main reasons it sucks to go vegetarian: eating at someone else’s house. Kona says people have thought she’s weird her entire life because of being a vegetarian. I’m sure they do, because I have plenty of friends who like to say, “That carrot on your plate is screaming […]

Arancini: Sicilian Rice Croquettes

In honor of my first post for my new column, Snackalicious, I thought I’d write about a snack that is central to my heritage.  I am half Sicilian, and  spent most of my childhood summers in Palermo.  My siblings and I had lots of fun with our cousins — playing, swimming,  traveling and of course, […]

Green salad with shrimp and mango, Asian-style – Feed me!

I don’t know why, but all I’m eating these days is salad. Is it the onset of spring? The ease of preparation? Is there something in the greenery my body is craving? I honesty can’t explain it, especially because I make a salad at the salad bar for lunch every single day at work. But […]

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