CliqueClack Food
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Le Creuset is like crack to me – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I have a problem, a serious problem. I can’t stop buying Le Creuset cookware. Alright, I suppose it’s not really that much of a problem. My wallet may argue otherwise, but at least I know all the beautiful enamel-covered cast iron cookware is going to last forever. I just sometimes wonder how many other single […]

Fast Food Generation – The Las Vegas edition

There will come a time during your Las Vegas vacation where you will no longer be able to eat another crab leg from the buffet, one more seared eel in lamb pee from the celebrity chef restaurant, or an additional 99 cent shrimp cocktail. This is about the time that will need to have one of […]

Hold the Meat – I’ve fallen in love again

If you’ve been reading this column, then you know that I’ve effusively extolled the virtues of Quorn, the non-soy chicken (and turkey, beef, etc. but mostly chicken) alternative. I’m obsessed with it and think it’s the greatest thing to happen to vegetarians since Ruby Tuesday started serving veggie burgers (before they started to suck hardcore). […]

Meat Lovers Pie – Redneck Cooking

The other day all day long at work I was craving red meat. Hamburger, bacon, sausage, hot dogs — they all sounded so good. I could not decide which I wanted more. I heated up my Top Ramen for lunch and ate it. The Top Ramen did not satisfy my hunger.I began to form a […]

Eight garden-fresh frittatas – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Are your gardens starting to produce amazing veggies, green and dark, red and sweet, juicy and perfect? Or, if you live in New England, perhaps you finally have a whole lot of vegetables ready to harvest at once, since we went sunless during June and nothing ripened! It’s not often we think of using vegetables […]

Hold the Meat – Think being a vegetarian is healthy? Talk to me.

You guys, I can make any good thing bad. Plan a picnic; I’ll bring the ants. Go swimming; I’ll bring the lightning. So it goes without saying that I totally have the ability to make even being a vegetarian unhealthy. Now granted, I am a very healthy person: I never get sick, I don’t have […]

It’s Not Meat, It’s You – The Buddy System

Change is almost never easy, even when we are the ones who implement it. Seriously, sometimes I just want to give up and say screw you, cows, I’m having a steak. I’ve started working outside the home for the first time in over five years and the adjustment hasn’t been terrible, but sometimes I just […]

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