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Turkey dinner, redneck style

How I was able to fix a Thanksgiving dinner for my wife before a full day of hunting.

Hold the Meat – A very veggie Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t have to be all about turkey and meat stuffing. Kona shows you how to Hold the Meat, to make a tasty meat-free Thanksgiving meal.

Do you want to eat a healthy Thanksgiving meal? – Fresh Foodie

I ask the question, because some people just don’t care. It’s only one day out of the year, right? Surely it’s OK to have a cheat-fest and eat all that’s put in front of you. If that works for you, go crazy and enjoy.

Last minute Thanksgiving breads, a little off the beaten path – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you.

Redneck Thanksgiving – Redneck cooking

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. And despite all of the advertisement, it’s not a day off from work to go shopping for so-so deals on so-so electronic gizmos to give away for Christmas. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for all that is right and good in your life. A day to spend with family […]

Hold the Meat – Exploring Tempeh

In this column, I’ve tried to break certain stereotypes about vegetarians: that we all support PETA, or that vegetarians and vegans are the same thing. Now I’m going to drop another knowledge bomb on you: vegetarians can be just as unhealthy as the rest of you. For example, last night, I took a wonderful vegetarian […]

Can I have a home cooked meal for $5.00?

With the cost of everything shooting up I have been looking a lot closer at what I am spending and trying to find ways to cut the costs. As I sat thinking about this while the TV droned in the background, a commercial for a national chain of sandwich shops came on. they were touting […]

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