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Hold the Meat


Farmers Market + Pizza = Delicious – Hold the Meat

Too many veggies in your house? How about making the best pizza ever? Seriously — just chop them all up, sauté them, and you’re ready to go.

Thank you, Camden Yards, for letting me be just another disgusting American – Hold the Meat

Recently, I was able to partake in a time-honored American event: eating a hot dog at a baseball game. How was this possible for a life-long vegetarian? Camden Yards holds the answer.

The veggie burgers at Ruby Tuesday are no longer the biggest disappointment in my life – Hold the Meat

Against my better judgment, I revisit the new-and-certainly-not-improved Ruby Tuesday veggie burger. The fact that I didn’t burn the restaurant to the ground actually came as a surprise to me.

Amy’s Organic Meals are the best invention ever – Hold The Meat

Are you looking for vegetarian options in a hurry? Look no further than the frozen foods section of your grocery store.

Hold the Meat – A perfect vegetarian Super Bowl meal

The Super Bowl is coming up; perhaps you’re having a party, or are just looking for something to shove into your face besides potato chips and beer. This Veggie Muffaletta sandwich offers a tasty vegetarian alternative to the party sub.

Hold the Meat – I made my own pasta!

Recently, I learned two very important things: basic pasta only has three ingredients (which you have in your house right now!), and you don’t need a pasta machine to make it. I prove it when I make my own pasta.

Hold the Meat – I am a Caesar salad genius

Even when Caesar salads don’t have anchovies in them, they totally have anchovies in them! They’re insidious. Here’s how to make an amazing vegetarian, or yes, even vegan, Caesar salad dressing.

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