CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

What is the tiniest hot dog in the universe?

So I’m peeking over at Twitter earlier tonight and, amongst the stream of consciousness that is (what many people affectionately call) the Twitterverse, I see someone post the term “the tiniest hot dog in the universe,” with a link that I won’t share, since it really went to nothing at all. But that had me […]

Grilled wheat and gluten-free pesto sausage and goat cheese pizza

If you’re not up to trying the non-wheat variety of pizza dough, you’re sort-of missing out when it comes to grilling. I’ve had better luck using gluten-free dough on my grill than the standard pizza dough, as it shrinks less, retains more of that grill smoky flavor, and has the perfect crunch. There’s really not […]

Jumping Cow Amber Ale – Brew Review

I have to make a confession. I’ve had Jumping Cow many, many times before, so this isn’t going to be a review coming from a virgin to this beer. However, this is one I definitely wanted to include in the CliqueClack beer fridge (I’m working on the image, really!), so I wanted to sing its […]

When I say rare, it’d better still have a hook in it

I used to hate fish. I mean REALLY hate it. I grew up Catholic and, during Lent, I’d cringe at the thought that my Fridays would consist of plates, sandwiches or sticks made of some kind of “meatless” fish (thank God for cheese pizza, is what I always thought). So, it’s very strange to people […]

Arrogant Bastard Ale – Brew Review

“This is an agressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We suggest that you stick to safer more familiar territory — maybe something with a multi-million dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing […]

Gritty McDuff’s Scottish Ale – Brew Review

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I was originally going to go with a traditional (or not-so traditional) Irish beer, but then I saw something on the shelf that was practically calling out my name. Well, part of my last name at least. I’ve had Gritty McDuff’s beers before, but this was the first time […]

Your guide to a kick-arse St. Patrick’s Day feast

When you think St. Patrick’s Day, a few describing words should immediately come to mind: Irish, green, parades, food and beer. Wouldn’t you know it, we can cover four of those categories right here (I think if we started posting about parades, we’d really hear it from the peanut gallery). If you’re up to the […]

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