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Debbie McDuffee

Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Bento boxes for school lunches are the coolest

I’ve always been a little less than Martha Stewart would approve of, so do I have the stuff to make bento box lunches for my kid?

Tomato harvest from our CSA farm – Lick My Lens

This gorgeous bowl of many-colored tomatoes graces my kitchen island. They are almost too beautiful too eat … almost…

21 things to do with green beans

Green beans are so simple to prepare and since they can be made into so many dishes, why not try them all?

Quinoa tabbouleh my way

Tabbouleh, wheat-free and wonderful, permeated my week, the season and my thoughts. It only stands to reason I would create a quinoa tabbouleh recipe as soon as I could get to my kitchen.

Coleslaw recipes for the mayophobic

Eleven delightfully mayonnaise-free coleslaw recipes, ranging from simple and elegant to funky and unique. I know I’ve just made your day.

Sugar-free lemonade, raspberry and peach popsicles and other refreshing treats – Recipe Roundup

We’re in the dog days of summer and these new twists on traditional summer stand-bys are on my list of recipes to make.

Raspberry almond torte is gluten-free … and everyone still loved it

A gluten-free, low-sugar dessert that tastes good … it really does exist!

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