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Bob Degon

Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

Valentine’s Day food for the single folks – Eat, Drink and Be Snarky

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I couldn’t care less. I’m a single man, and frankly if we weren’t all writing posts in honor of the pretend holiday, I probably wouldn’t have even remembered it existed. However, I am now painfully aware that the day is coming, and I am feeling lonely and ashamed for […]

My goat burrito – Pop Your Cherry

I’ve mentioned before that I have a very adventurous appetite. I love to try new things. In the same post I mentioned that my family used to go to a game feast every year, hosted at a local restaurant. One of the meats the I never managed to try in all the years going to […]

What were you thinking, Tropicana?

I love orange juice. I really, really love it. Generally speaking, it is the only beverage that I keep in my house that is not water or alcohol. That includes milk, by the way, which I despise, but that’s fodder for another post altogether. Like many OJ drinkers, I am a brand loyalist. I’ve never […]

Recipe Test Drives: Dad’s Meatloaf with Tomato Relish

I’m a huge fan of Tyler Florence and his Food Network show, Tyler’s Ultimate. One of my favorite recipes from the show is his meatloaf. I think that first time that I had it was at my sister’s house. That’s right; this meatloaf is so good, it’s worthy of serving to guests. I kid you […]

One Unpleasant Chubby

I like trying new things. I’m an adventurous eater and I never back away from something different. When I was younger, my whole family and I used to trek to an annual game feast at a local restaurant for about ten years, through the course of which I tried, amongst others: boar, frog, turtle, bear, […]

Misunderstood Ingredients – The Anchovy

Oh how I love you, you stinky little fish! The poor anchovy has such a bad rap, but I’m here to try to convince all you naysayers to rethink this salty treasure. Now I will fully admit that there are a lot of poor uses for anchovies. For instance, ordering that anchovy pizza from the […]

I got my hands on a pawpaw

A couple weeks ago at work, one of my colleagues who grew up in West Virginia was talking about this amazing fruit that he grew up eating – the pawpaw. Obviously, I consider myself a foodie, so I was somewhat ashamed of myself that I had never heard of such a thing. According to my […]

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