CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Bob Degon

Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

Curry for breakfast! – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I love curry. For a while there I was making a big bowl of curry almost once a week. I would buy a package of fresh cut stir fry vegetables from my local Whole Foods Market, along with a can of coconut milk, and some meat (usually chicken breast or pork tenderloin). It was an […]

Campanelle with Grape Tomato Sauce and Fresh Mozzarella

Sometimes I do some of my most creative cooking during the week, when I don’t know what to cook and have no one to impress. This week I had a night just like that. I knew I wanted to make a pasta dish so that I could have some nice leftovers for lunch, but I […]

All hail, Reuben – the king of sandwiches

As St. Patrick’s Day quickly approaches, I’ve been thinking about corned beef. It’s the classic St. Patty’s day fare, served alongside cabbage. Last year I was heartily disappointed when I trekked to my local Irish pub the night before the holiday hoping to get some corned beef and cabbage. Can you believe they ran out […]

Milk: it doesn’t do my body good – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Everyone has that one weird food thing, right? For some people it’s fish; they just can’t eat it. For others it’s red meat or sushi. I think everyone has some sort of food stigma that they can’t get past. For me, it’s milk. I know, I know, it does a body a good, blah, blah, […]

You’re the scone for me

Scones are an odd thing. I think they’re a very polarizing treat. I happen to love them, but know a lot of people who can’t stand them. I think a lot of the problem is that those people who hate them really just want a muffin. As any scone lover would tell them, however, a […]

Grapefruit + tangerine = tangelo – Pop Your Cherry

Apparently it’s “try new citrus fruit” week here at CliqueClack. Just a few days ago, Deb talked about her experiences with kumquats. Around the same time, I found myself in the supermarket, as I usually do at least three or four times per week. I had just finished off a really good crate of clementines […]

Hey Food Network, where’s all the Asian cuisine? – Food on the Tube

I love watching Food Network “in the kitchen” during the mornings on the weekend. More often than not, I’ll see something that inspires a dinner that night or sometime during the week. Watching these blocks of cooking programs, however, leaves one big question in my mind…. Where is all the Asian cuisine? Food Network has […]

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